
What career path should be right for me?

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I am 17 years old and have to choose a college very soon.

I know I could be excellent in the medical field if I set my mind to it. I know that a medical future is pretty much guaranteed for me and I do get the highest grades in my science and math classes, so it's not like I am clueless when it comes to those subjects. I am interested in medicine a great deal as well.

But does that mean I have to abandon my writing and art hobbies? Should I sell my artistic creations or something? Or should I just limit those pastimes for the fun. I have a feeling that trying to make a career on writing short stories or making art will not be as successful as a medical career would be. Also, I am not computer savvy so I like to do more hands-on, traditional art such as drawing or painting.

I do feel satisfied about what I write or draw or paint, but I never feel as if I could be like a Picasso or Hemingway or anything.

Thanks in advance.I know I'll always write or draw/paint for fun, I just don't know if I should ever make a full-fledged career out of it.




  1. I wouldn't suggest you just go into art or writing, dreams like this don't always work out and its best to have a safety net which something in the  medical field would defiantly be. Unless your fine with being unstable go for it but if I were you I would wait till I had something I could always fall back on and work my way through and maybe some day get where I wanted.  

  2. trust me medicine is heavy on writing and reading.  msaybe you could pen journals once your qualified

  3. You feel you would like the medical field,you do well in the subjects....Go For it.

    The writing and art can be a very good hobby to get your mind off of medical at the end of the day.

    Another reason is that it is a lot harder to get a medical degree than to pursue art and writing.

    If you do art and writing first, you will run out of ambition to pursue Medical if you find writing and Art don't pay the bills

    Something I also learned in life,,, you might be happy if you are rich, you might be happy if you are poor, but if you start by seeing if being poor is to your liking, it might be to late to get rich if you are unhappy.

    If you go for riches and don't like it, You can park the riches in the bank while you explore doing without, If you like being poor, you can give away the riches...but this method gives you options.

    Go for Medical, While you are young and ambitious.

  4. Try the Princton Review Career quiz.

  5. you can choose what you enjoy to do as a side line if it's not going to make a solid career than pick one that you can do and make a career out of it you said that you are interested in medicine you can try nursing or medical physician, pharmaceutical or a career in medical field.

  6. Let's face it:  Picasso and Hemingway becoming famous was a rare chance; your chances of seeing a meteor is greater than being famous.  And they really became more famous after they DIED.  So what you need to do is evaluate you skills, aptitudes, and what kind of health care field to go into.  Do you like science, helping people, math, or figuring out how systems work?  Once you narrow this down figuring what healthcare you are interested becomes easy.

    As for you hobbies, why give them up?  You see those "starving artist" shows all the time, and I am sure they have a job.  Don't give up on any of your talents, period.  

  7. i think medical  career will do

    u get a lot of money fro that  

  8. i think medical career well be a good option but you have to be up for patience. Plus they make good money. But anyways its whatever you want and like your interest it's up 2 you to decide who are we to tell you where to go.  

  9. Medical Microbiologist - Medical microbiology is a branch of microbiology which deals with the study of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites which are of medical importance and are capable of causing diseases in human beings. It includes the study of microbial pathogenesis and epidemiology and is related to the study of disease pathology and immunology. In the medical laboratory, these microbiologists also work in a subdepartment dedicated to parasitology.

  10. no way keep doing what you are doing you can do both and be very successfully in life i wish you the best are you can find career info at and good luck in life enjoy your life..

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