
What career/person has the most impact/control over the future of space travel?

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  1. I would have to think that a scientist with a public personality like Segan would have the most influence in this area.

    Someone who can convince the powers that be, that control the funding to initiate a certain program, there by enabling exploration to go forward.

    But the bottom line is always funding.

    With enough funding anything can be built or explored.


  2. Members of the United States Congress.  (At least for the future of US space travel.)  They control the funding.

  3. I would also say a media personality. They'd influence the people, who would influence the government, who control the funding. For example, the astronomer and science populariser, Carl Sagan, is credited with many things that he managed to convince congress to back, both directly and indirectly (by inspiring viewers of the show Cosmos, for instance).

  4. I would have to say that a senator would have the most control over the future of the space program / space travel.

    As the astronauts said in 'The Right Stuff:'

    "You know what makes this bird go up? Funding makes this bird go up. No bucks, no Buck Rogers."

    Our space program is woefully under-funded in my opinion. Beyond that, you could even make the case that a prominent media personality could be the most influential, because the senators are swayed by public opinion. If the public is all in favor of a space program, then that will cause it to get increased funding. The media has huge sway over public opinion, so I'd say that could even be the most impactful position.

  5. an engieneer would have the most influence over the future of space travel... they design the systems used (life support, propulsion, navigational) and also make the system practical for use...

    for example--- no engieneers, no rockets--- no rockets, no space travel


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