
What career should I choose when im older?

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I have been thinking about this for a while. I feel as if i am lost. I am an average 15 year old who gets average/poor grades. I hate school and am quite mature for my age. I just want to get away from this place.

I never want to settle down when im older, i dont want to go to uni. Most people think im crazy when i tell them that.

I just want to travel around the world. I have thought about be a tv-presenter that travels around the world such as on nat geo, a journalist, or somthing to do with the media that allaws me to travel and experience other cultures.

What job would be good for me when im older?




  1. Do something that involves the classes that you did good in when you were in school.

  2. Marry a very Rich Woman and travel with her.

  3. To be a journalist you need to have excellent writing and comprehension skills, and you need to have a college degree in English or journalism. You will probably need a graduate degree as well, and connections to get that first job writing a "Page 12" article for a small paper.

    To get a career where traveling is part of the job, you should speak two or more languages, or have a skill that is in demand elsewhere such as being an expert in a field or a system that few people know.

    Then again, you can join a church and do missionary work such as building churches, schools, or homes. But you usually pay your own way then.

    Studying, and getting good grades opens up a lot of doors in the future.

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