
What career sounds best for me?

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i want to be either

a nurse

hotel manager (on a beach)

or a copy editor

all with a bachelors degree only no more than that

so i am very good in english, and always know when someone makes mistakes on their papers

i like math, and the beach

and i love helping ppl

i dont know which one to be best for me so here it goes

i really like typing and going on the computer

and i like a good paying job

i want to be able to have lots of time on the job, not having to hurry all the time

i make easy mistakes

so what do YOU THINK?

thank you to all who answer




  1. if needing lots of time and making easy mistakes is an issue then Nursing is out!

    Be a copy editor because you can always travel to the beach and I think manageing hotels on beaches is harder to find work in.

  2. Hotel on the Beach, You already sound like a Manager. [Multi tasking]

  3. What career is best for you depends on a number of factors such as aptitudes, personality type, what motivates you, and of course personal preference.  While it certainly sounds like you may potentially find any of the careers you have listed rewarding, choosing a direction for your life is an important enough decision that you may want a higher degree of insight than strangers will be able to provide you with.

    A good career assessment will take into consideration your strengths, interests, and perhaps most importantly, your motivations. Once these are identified you will be able to narrow your career research significantly and make the whole process easier.

    Free access to a very insightful career test and the resulting personalized motivational appraisal of personal potential (MAPP) is provided courtesy of Simply visit and click on the career assessment link on the index page or visit . This career tool will allow you to:

    * Find your real motivations, interests, and talents for work

    * Identify your ideal careers

    * Discover your communication and leadership strengths

    You may also find the Jung Typology Test helpful.  It should provide you with some additional personal insights.  Find it at:

    After you have identified one or more careers of interest you may find consulting the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics at helpful. It will give you access to hundreds of different types of jobs—such as teacher, lawyer, and nurse—the Occupational Outlook Handbook tells you:

    * the training and education needed

    * earnings

    * expected job prospects

    * what workers do on the job

    * working conditions

    On a final note, since you mentioned hotel, math, and the beach you might want to consider adding Hotel Comptroller or Controller to your career idea list.  There is no shortage of hotels on or near the beach that need someone good with math to make the numbers work.  

    Good luck finding your path!

  4. well to be entirely honest,everone wants those thing u listed in paragraph 7

    ''i really like typing and going on the computer

    and i like a good paying job

    i want to be able to have lots of time on the job, not having to hurry all the time''


    but well i say you wait,until an opportunity will come along and it will lead you to where ever you destiny takes yaa

    thats my idea,well in  a way,i wish that was reality :)


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