
What career utilizes the experiences from marketing, public speaking, Job placement...?

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I have a bachelors degree in general studies, and I have over 10 years of work experience in the following: entreprenueral endeavors, entreprenueral sales, marketing, journalism, public speaking, operations management, project management, healthcare, teaching / tutoring, and job placement assistance. I am looking start a new career, in a feild that can utilize all of my strengths developed from the skills I have acquired above through work experience. Is there such a position??

Thank you




  1. Nice qualifications! I wish I could say as much. From my personal experience at least, I'd recommend looking into starting a website.


    1. It takes a bit of entrepreneurial spirit. After all, you're essentially building a business - but instead of a store front, you have an online location.

    2. Marketing - traffic is one of the most essential factors to running a profitable website. How do you get traffic? Marketing.

    3. Journalism/public speaking - A website generally takes a lot of writing. If you can give a good speech, write a good article, provide value to people on the net, you've got it made.

    4. Operations management, project management - I don't know exactly what this entails, but depending on the topic of a website, employees, etc, I could see these skills being very useful.

    5. Health care - lots of demand. Would make a great website topic, provided it were narrowed down to a high-demand low-supply niche.

    6. Teaching/tutoring - running a website is all about providing value to people online. Teaching people how to do things, tutoring them in particular skills. I sure wish I had more teaching experience.

    7. Job placement assistance - some of the most profitable websites run directories that match people with other people or things. Job placement is one of those high-demand areas. If you can become a 'connector' on the web, you can make a lot of money by directing people to the services and products they need or the jobs they are looking for.

    Of course, any one of those topics could be turned into a great website. Tons of potential! The general degree would provide even more knowledge and experience that you could use. I must say, I wish I had your qualifications.

    I've put a link in the resource box about how I got a profitable website up and running. Fresh out of high school, didn't even know html. I got this information from my own personal experience and other reading, the source website can direct you to some of that. Hope this helps out, and perhaps this sort of thing will work for you like it worked for me. It took some time and effort, but it's great to be able to use your skills and do what you love.

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