
What careers are available for a biology & pschology double major?

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I'm in 11th grade, have already decided my majors, and want to know what careers would be available to me.




  1. Psychology wont give you any career, period, unless you have an advanced degree in the field.

    Bio will give you some choices, but not many. Entry level lab positions may be available to you but they pay very poorly and not much in the way of rising up.  Pharmaceutical sales are popular choices for bio majors which can pay well if you're good at it.  Other options are ecological agencies in the government, forestry services, zoos, etc.  But again, pretty low paying.

    It's best to move up to some sort of graduate degree in these fields to take advantage of the better opportunities.

  2. why psychology and biology? are you looking at neuro-sciences? being a psychiatrist?

    biology has alot of stuff in medicine, medical technologists make decent money and require 4 years of schooling generally.

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