
What careers could I have with a sociology degree?

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A bachelor's degree in Sociology? What careers can I have?




  1. you could always teach sociology?

  2. I'm a sociology major with a minor in writing-writting as the ultimate goal-but there are loads of jobs you can get with a soc. degree, it just depends on your concentration. Heres a website that has a lot of helpful ideas:

  3. Administration: A professional with a degree in sociology is well prepared for administrative positions, particularly in government and public agencies that administer human services. Sociologists in leadership roles help define policies toward groups of people in need of public assistance. By leading teams of researchers and social work professionals, sociologists can reshape their communities.

    Business: A degree in sociology prepares a student for a career in business. Sociologists research consumer trends and work with market researchers to discover new opportunities to meet the public's needs. Some corporations employ sociologists to impact the social effects of major projects like plant relocations or store openings. Sociologists also help product designers understand the overall trends shaping consumer culture in order to inspire tomorrow's hot new products.

    Corrections: As the prison population in our country continues to expand, many local governments hire sociologists to understand the impact of tougher laws on neighborhoods. Sociologists also help corrections officials determine the effects of new programs and regulations on the prison population.

    Counseling: Some counselors and therapists study sociology in order to better understand some of the larger trends they see among patients. By using the kinds of pattern analysis techniques that sociologists are known for, counselors can focus their practices on critical needs in their communities.

    Education: A person with a sociology degree may choose to pursue a career in education. A bachelor's degree and teaching certificate are adequate for teaching classes such as political science, history, and social science at the high school level. Ph.D. level graduates may pursue careers at the college and university level.

    Investigations: Sociology professionals play larger roles at major investigative bureaus, especially the Federal Bureau of Investigations. Working with detectives and profilers, sociologists help law enforcement officials anticipate crime by identifying obscure patterns. Targeting areas that are likely to be the focus of criminals allows officials to deploy scarce resources more effectively. Therefore, investigators can close cases more quickly while improving the quality of life in previously dangerous areas.

  4. my major is sociology also and i am going to be a probation officer. you can also be social worker but i heard they dont get paid alot. but you should do some reasearch on each job to find out what you would enjoy doing.

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