
What careers/jobs to moms have?

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I have a three year old and am a SAHM right now. I was wondering what jobs or careers other moms have. How do you deal with when your kids are out of school for the summer or school holidays? DO you put them in after school programs if you work past when they are out of school? Just wondering how all of this works I have no family to help and hubby works long hours so I would be in charge of picking my daughter up from school and being home with her when she is off school (when she starts school). I can not work nights because husband never knows when he will be home graduated high school Help




  1. I'm the director of a daycare, so afterschool, summer and school holidays aren't a problem I just bring them to work  and let them interact with kids their ages. In the summertime if you can not afford daycare most public schools hold free summer camps. As far as after school and holidays if you have no family maybe you have friends or maybe there are some teens around looking to make some extra money and will babysit for less than a daycare.

    There are also work from home business you just have to find one that is not a scam.

  2. I currently work in a law office, but I don't think that's going to work out in the long run (too bad - I really like the money & it's something I've done for about three years now). That's why I'm currently taking a class to get my NC Childhood Credentials to work in a daycare. Not only do they offer discounted (and sometimes even free) childcare, but they also have benefits & will even pay for your tuition (so I can go back to school and finish my degree in Education).

  3. I am actually a Bridge Drafter. I have 3 kids 1 of which is in school. They actually go to a baby sitter's house. When school is out all 3 of them go there and when there is school My son has to go to a neighbor's house after school until I get home. I usually get home about 1/2 hour after he does. He is 8 so I wouldn't leave him home alone. When he is a little older I will let him go home for the 1/2 hour by himself. You will have to try to find someone who you trust to keep you child for you.

  4. I am an attorney, intellectual property (patents and the like).

    I deal with them during holidays or summer the same way I do other times - my MIL watches them or they go to daycare (2 days a week).  If I didn't have family help, I really think I would get a nanny - day care center's hours near us don't have hours that work with my or my husband's working hours (he works ~8am-8pm, and i work 8am-6 or 7pm).  You can get other people to pick up your kids/go to your home so they are there when your kids arrive at home from school.

  5. I am a caregiver/housekeeper at a assisted living facility.

    My husband and I are right now working oppisite shifts. We don't see each other much. But I only work four hours and it better for us because we don't want babysitters. Nor can we afford them.

    So we don't have to worry aput the kids when were at home. One of us is always their. We really don't have anyone to watch them at all. But if we need some time off from the kids my sister will take the oldest two. (my youngest is 3.5 months)

    But other wise it's just us.

  6. I work for an Insurance agency i am a single parent so i do it all but it just so happens that my sister runs a daycare out of her home so i take her in the morning and then go and get her after i get off work i didn't get any breaks just because sheis my sister i pay what everybody else does and then even when my daughter is not there i still have to pay if she is scheduled to be there.

  7. I work as an Accounting Assistant.  I make pretty good money and I have some college, but I don't have a degree.

    My son is in daycare at a local church.

  8. Yes, my sister has a full time job & her husband has a full time job.

    They put their kids in all daycare.  When the oldiest went to first grade, they adjusted their schedule a little.   The first grader went to after school program.  

    You can also hire a neighbor  watch them after school if you need too.

  9. Look for a job with some flexibility, like in the school cafeteria or as a teacher's aide--your hours will be the same as your daughter's, and you'll leave when she does if school's let out early.

    Our children are now old enough to stay by themselves during the summer and on holidays, but when they were younger, we found a good summer/afterschool program at a church in town, and that's where they stayed during summer and the holidays. Ask some other parents where the good programs are. They're usually cheaper than hiring a sitter.

    Also check and see if your local school system is offering any free special summer programs. We even sent our daughter to summer school one year.

  10. I run a chiropractic office full time. My daughter (before she was in elem. school) went with my family. Now that she's in school, they have Latchkey located in her school for before and after school care. It's a wonderful and affordable program. In the summer she goes to the YMCA daycamp which she absoltely loves. We take turns on picking up in the evenings (depending on schedules) and I take her each morning on my way into work.

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