
What careers or universities can I go into with an undergrad. in Biology?

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What careers or universities can I go into with an undergrad. in Biology?




  1. Many careers are open to those with biology degrees.

    However, very few are set up so that this degree BY ITSELF will do the job. Most occupational education now takes place at the graduate level.Even to be a bio teacher you will need a masters in education and will also need to pass the license exam.

    Thus you have two basic routes to a great career.

    First, you can use your bio degree PLUS a lot of personal initiative and study to create a job for yourself in what is called the HIDDEN job market. There are excellent books on how to do this. The trick here is to find something you can do for an organization that will be very valuable for them and that you are ideally equipped to do. Then talk them into creating a position for you. In fact, most of the best jobs are created in just this way, not through the personnel departments.

    See the following website:

    Second, you can use your bio degree to gain access to a professional program, for example in pharmacy or occupational therapy, education, or nursing, plant pathology, horticulture, wildlife management or many many other fields.

    Good luck.  

  2. This website gives you a lot of information:

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