
What career(s) would you suggest based on my astrology info?

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Basically, I'm having a difficult time choosing a long-term career and was told by a friend who is interested in astrology to look into it because of my dillemma. Have decided to do so by looking up my information and asking my career related astrology question based on said info here on Yahoo! Answers.*x=t&d1day=18&d1month=4&d1year=1988&d1hour=15&d1min=43&citylist=Chicago%2C+IL+%2817%29%2C+USA&lang=en

Serious answers only please, and thank you for your time. :D




  1. Ascendant and Midheaven both ruled by Mercury which is well aspected--with a gift of gab- I would say you would do well in sales--Taurus moon likes luxury as does Venus conjunct MC--High end goods or Cars and you're a hard worker with Sun trine Saturn---Aries can always make that sell! You need to be doing something physical--sports or karate ect. with Mars in 5 square Pluto--You may have a love of speed---Having said that, you have a good mind and can probably do well at anything you set your mind to. Dual sign Gemini on the MC suggests two different careers in ones lifetime i.e. starting in one career and then changing completely at midlife or two different sources of income.Definitely a leader--Good luck in your quest!

  2. A lot of what I suggest is going to depend on whether you can decide to make your Mercury in Aries finish anything that you start. Mercury in Aries can start out with a passion about something and then get bogged down when confronted with having to sort out or study details.

    It's hard to miss seeing Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in conjunction, and the aspects these planets make to other planets and house cusps. Strictly by aspect, two of these are in trine to the Mercury. You also have Venus conjunction the midheaven, indicating that you can impress and charm employers and move up in position easily upon being hired.

    Based on what I see, I would say that any discipline involving electricity, electronics, computers or the internet would be extremely successful for you.

  3. Be a fortune teller!!!!!  They had those at a Bar Mitzvah I went to one time and they are total freaks!!!

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