
What cars are better for the economy electric or hybrid, or is that the same? And, do you use gasoline?

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What cars are better for the economy electric or hybrid, or is that the same? And, do you use gasoline?




  1. Better for the economy??????  Which ever one is the most expensive!

  2. Electric cars need regular recharging - it depends on where that juice is coming from. If you have your own wind turbine or solar panel array, that's the "greenest" option I can imagine.

  3. For the economy, who knows?  But for the ecology then probably electric.  But only if the electric that they are charged from is not provided by coal-burning sources.

  4. economy or environment?  

    if you look under th hood of a hybrid, there are two engines.  There is an electric one and a regular gas one like you'd see in any standard vehicle.  In a nutshell, when you drive, the car draws its power from the appropriate motor, sometimes from both simultaneously.  Hybrids do run on gasoline, but since the electric motor is there to pick up some of the slack, you use less of gas than a regular vehicle.

    An electric car does not have the gas motor portion under the hood.  Think of the newer golf carts, where they're still zippy but insanely quiet.  It's that kind of concept, but it's implemented on a larger scale. Since there is just the electric motor, there is no need for gasoline, but there is a need for an electrical outlet from which to charge its battery.

    Environmentally, electric cars run cleaner because they do not have the gas engine emitting any exhaust.

  5. Both are expensive, hybrids especially.  The hybrid uses an electric motor to drive the car at lower speeds usually to 25mph, the cost of the vehicle does not offset the fuel savings.The electric cars are impractical because there is no technology to recharge while driving which limits the cars ability to go any real distance. Most modern cars are very fuel efficient and have very low emissions, the problem isn't the individual car, its the millions upon millions of them driving around. We need to develop alternate fuels and abandon the fossil fuels we use now. We have the technology but the oil companies are to powerful. Neither hybrid or electrical are good for the economy, but are  good for the environment.  Yes I use gas but I conserve as best possible. Walk when you can, bike often..take a train to the city instead of drive. Public transportation, most cities use natural gas fuel or electricity to power stet cars and bus's.

  6. Electric cars are cheaper to refuel because electric motors are far more energy efficient than internal combustion engines.

    Electric cars cost approximately 2 cents per mile to refuel.  Regular cars that get 30 mpg cost 10 cents per mile, if gas costs $3/gallon.  A Prius will cost 6 cents per mile.

    Hybrids use gasoline when the electric motor needs more power.  Electric vehicles do not use gasoline.

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