
What cartoon character did you fancy as a kid?

by Guest10765  |  earlier

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Patty Mayonaise? Betty Rubble? Penelope Pitstop?

I had a thing for Aimee from Galaxy High, though I think it was because of the way she spelt her name more than anything.




  1. Super Ted

  2. not a cartoon but a computer game ...... lara croft ohh yesss

  3. Jessica rabbit Oh yes

  4. TJ from Recess and Bart Simpson.


  5. Jessica Rabbit

  6. josie, josie and the pussycats

  7. Not only as a kid! I rather fancy Lois Griffin from Family Guy and (of course) Marg Simpson. Sad or what?

  8. little mermaid lol

  9. T.J from Recess :D

    Btw, awesome question. I'm glad I'm not as sad as other people were like this.

  10. HE MAN and Prince Valiant.... (swoon lol)

  11. Gwen, from total drama island because she is goth.

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