
What cartoon or channel do you not allow your child to watch?

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I don't allow my son to watch Spongebob or the Cartoon Network




  1. really can't be that strict with the Television.  Spongebob is an innocent show, really...just monitor what he watches.  lol if it helps, I think my favorite movie when I was five was the Terminator!  Haha, trust me when I say there's too much of an emphasis on what kids watch...they're not gonna live in a bubble forever...I do respect your interest in what he sees now, though.  Most Nickelodeon, PBS, and Cartoon Network shows are innocent enough.  If anything just keep him away from Fox and Cartoon Networks nightly programs...  =]

  2. spongebob is a great show for kids. he's innocent and fun loving. there's nothing wrong with that show. however at night nickelodeon and cartoon network turn to adult channels so block it at night.

    also block fox (family guy, american dad, the simpsons).

    good channels are disney channel, nick (only daytime, not nick @ nite)

  3. I don't allow cartoon network, spongebob, I hate power rangers and the yu-gi-oh type shows. Also, I'm a horrible, terrible, MEAN mother... I won't let them watch Peanuts either, because I hate the fact that the kids call each other stupid and blockhead. Same with Rugrats. Stupid is a cuss word in our home.

  4. my kids watch adult swim lol, but they are 17 and 20, When my nephew is over he knows once adult swim comes onl, he's only 5 he will yell into my room auntie adult swim is on and I can't watch it. But as for spongebob he does watch it, but i think some of the material is questionable. But his mom lets him so i can't really keep him from that.

  5. I can't stand the fighting shows, like Dragonball Z or Yu-Gi-Oh!  My children also are not allowed to watch Billy and Mandy's Grim Adventures on Cartoon Network. Something about your kids watching the grim reaper disturbs me. Family Guy and The Simpsons are in my opinion adult cartoons and should not be viewed by anyone under the age of about 15. Hope this helps!

  6. I'm not strict.  My daughter loves Spongebob.

  7. I have blocked noggin and nickelodeon for their g*y and L*****n content.

  8. my kids watch pbs and that's it, except for things like the superbowl or world series.  we don't even have cable.

  9. Anything PBS is not allowed.They use their children's programming to promote liberal and g*y lifestyles that are unhealthy.  There are several shows as well that call each other "stupid" or other things.  I also do not like some of the values they teach through some of the shows like Barney where they give a false look at strangers as well as use conjuring through chanting to make things or people appear.

    We also do not allow any of the Nickelodeon channels because they support g*y lifestyles. Spongebob is one such cartoon where producers of the show have said it is all about progay life. They also talk horribly to each other in the show.  It is not something I will ever allow my son to watch. Cartoon network is just weird and doesn't need to be viewed by anyone.  Disney channel is iffy on some of their content lately for some of the things they are promoting on there in witchcraft, sorcery and phsycic things. (That's so Raven, Wizards of Waverly Place, Twitches movies etc..)  Some of Disney's programming has also been iffy in our home because of their negative language towards adoption and adoptive families. They do not present a good image for those families.

    I don't think there is any such thing as being "too strict" when it comes to eliminating TV programs from our children. There are plenty of other things that they CAN do or watch that are much healthier and more beneficial to them.  We read together and visit the library frequently to check out books.  My son loves Veggie Tales and Thomas. He is also allowed to listen to children's songs and Sunday School type songs for kids. We are not totally against all Disney and have several of the older films (and some current) that he will be allowed to watch when he is a little older. Those include Peter Pan, Aladdin, Follow Me Boys, Toy Story, the Incredibles for a few.   We watch alot of the older shows in our home like the Cosby show early episodes, Andy Griffith and the Beverly Hillbillies black and white shows.  It is up to us as parents to protect our children's minds and hearts from what they take in through TV and other media forms.  In our home we believe in "garbage in, garbage out" theory when it comes to things like TV, music or movies.

  10. Why? Spongebob is funny. Family Guy as not for kids.

  11. I don't like him to watch the cartoon network because sometimes he is scared by ghosts and things on there.  Other than that I supervise everything he watches and then we discuss it if it is something I don't like.

  12. My son is 7. He's not allowed to watch South Park, Family Guy, or American Dad. Also any cartoon that comes on Comedy Central.

  13. I don't understand issue with Spongebob, besides being extremely irritating and annoying as an adult.  Cartoon network does have a lot of crazy stuff on it that I try to keep my kids from.

  14. My daughter is not allowed to watch the simpsons, family guy or american dad. I have no problem with Nickelodeon Cartoon network, or Disney Channel. I also like PBS, Nicktoons Network, etc. I do not like the shows on The N. Of course my daughter is 10. I also don't understand the issue with Spongebob. My daughter loves him and has watched it since she was tiny. The worst part was when she danced around singing " I'm Ready I'm Ready I'm Ready ". I'm not sure what langauge is inappropriate unless you don't like the fact that they say things like "Barnicals" instead or darn or shoot.

  15. i allow my kids to watch spongebob.  They are 5 and 10.  I do not allow them to watch The Simpsons.  I think that is inappropriate for their age.

  16. When I was a sprog, my mom banned me and my brother from watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Animaniacs because we were practicing the martial arts moves on each other and using some of the crude language. But your son probably won't be watching these shows, lol.

  17. I'm pretty easy going but for the longest time, when my kids were little, it was RUGRATS! Those kids need their butts beat!

  18. Simpsons and Family Guy, but we don't have cable so PBS it is.

  19. my kids watch spongebob and she 3 and loves it i don't let my kids watch cartoon network at night i block the channel out cause it changes to adult swim.

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