
What category do you think next year's New Orleans hurricane will be?

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What category do you think next year's New Orleans hurricane will be?




  1. I don't think they will get one next year, don't forget Katrina was like 3 years ago. I'm guessing at most a strong hurricane every other year.

  2. That's not the question that should be asked.  The question that should be asked is how many times do they have to be hit by a hurricane before they get the message that you don't build a city in an area below sea level?  After Katrina, they should have moved everything 100 miles north and not tried to rebuild it unless they had raised the elevation by 30 feet.  Being 10 feet below sea level and a storm surge or levee break makes 20 feet of water go in, what do they expect to happen?

  3. Probably cat.3

  4. It's still too early to predict.  I think the first one coming appears to be going towards the Carolinas...the second might just follow the same path as Gustav.  I think in a few more days they will be better able to predict.  It's about 5 days out at sea still but there are 3 in total they are watching.

  5. lev. 1  

  6. We're not done with this year yet.  Let's hope they get off easy this year and by next year they will have better levys and other precautions in place.

  7. Hurricane Ike will follow Hanah, it will feed from the previous storms and be funneled into the Gulf of Mexico. It will be a Cat 3 but very large.    

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