
What category does my p***s fall into to? Help please!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and i keep asking myself if my p***s is big or small or in-between. The other day i measured it and it was almost 7 and a half inches long... Is it big, small or intermediate??? (No negative comments, pleaz)




  1. Above average. (average is 5 1/2 to 61/2)

  2. "i keep asking myself." nice.

    its like more than average

  3. You're well hung!  Walk proudly man and hold your head up!

  4. its not small.

  5. its quite good size.but belive me for girls size doesn;t really matter as long it is above 5.5 inch .

  6. average-big

  7. you are above average.

    e-mail me if you have more questions.


  8. that seems small to me. You might want to go see a doctor about that little p***s problem.

  9. average is 5.3 inches long.

  10. about average i guess, iam 15 and about 6 1/2

  11. i guess its a little above average or right around average

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