
What category is someone who is borderline mentally retarded classified into in special education?

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They don't have that as a category in my state.




  1. Contact your state education department, about what their criteria is for someone who has borderline IQ levels, or the special educational school and talk to the principal. Sadly it seems that many students who are classified as borderline are forced into mainstream schooling, where they struggle with little support if any.

    Someone said that mentally retarded is rarely used is right, mentally retarded is offensive, and lumps everyone with a low IQ as being blithering idiots who are incapable of doing anything. People with Downs syndrome may have a low IQ but they are very capable of working, gaining an education etc. Over the next few years the word mentally retarded will be replaced by developmentally delayed/challenged.

  2. Are you talking about what type of classroom they would be in? It depends on the needs of the student. Most students with mild mental retardation would most likely qualify for learning support and be grouped with students with learning disabilities and other less severe disorders. These days, students with mild mental retardation would more than likely be included in the general education classroom.

  3. Such a person might not qualify for special education to be perfectly honest. If they do, it will be because they meet the criteria laid out for Mental Retardation, Developmental Delay, or some other category--which vary from state to state.

    They are unlikely to qualify under Specific Learning Disability, simply because it is difficult to show a substantial gap between cognitive potential and academic achievement when the cognitive scores are in the 70s.

    These students are usually doing just about as well as they can, and no amount of special education is likely to close the gap between them and their peers. Teachers need to recognize that, and differentiate their instruction and assessment in the general education classroom. Teachers hate hearing that, though, and some parents do, too. This is the kind of kid that gets referred for special education year after year, but is rarely found eligible.

  4. Special education means different things.  Special education could be something like learning support for two hours a day, or it could be an entire classroom that is specific to a particular learning disability.  There are no classifications, per se.  If someone needs some sort of extra help it can qualify them for special education services.  And of course it all depends on the school district, too.

  5. I think anyone with an IQ under 70 is classed as mentally handicapped , but special education is not only for people who have low IQs, or those who are deemed 'unintelligent'.

    My son has Autism, and is still intelligent, but he receives special needs education due to his social difficulties.

    It is very difficult to put mentally disabled people into 'categories' where education is concerned. xx

  6. Depends on what state you are from, yet in the medical field and DSMIV still use the term of mental retardation, but for educational purposes under IDEA law when qualifying for special education services the terminology changes from developmental delays to cognitive impairments, mental impairment, developmental disability, some categorical placements have their stipulations. A local school official or pyschologist could give you further insight. The ARC website give some definition as well.

  7. The term Mental retardation is rarely used these days, and the American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

    States that the term Mental Retardation is No more — New Name is Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

    Many other countries also prefer the term Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities.            

    Whether the person is placed into special education or main stream may depend on the persons over all IQ score, and how cognatively impaired they are, (ability to communicate or comprehend things), it may also depend on what the education dept for your state recommends, along with those of the person who did the assessment.

    Intelligence Quotients levels

    IQ                    Description              

    130+               Very superior        

    120-129         Superior                    

    110-119         High average          

    90-109           Average                  

    80-89             Low average            

    70-79             Borderline                  

    Below 70      Extremely low

    These may vary a little according to the which IQ test used, Wechsler IQ test, Stanford-Binet IQ test etc.

    If a person with borderline IQ is given the opportunity to enter main stream schooling with support, and taught life skills, they can find a job and even look after themselves as an adult, with a little or no support from carers.

    It is also my understanding that schools are to offer an education with support to all children regardless of disability or not. However this may vary a little from state to state and how the state education department classifies a students need for assistance.

  8. developmentally disabled

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