
What category of our 5 senses does?

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Gut feelings, something told me, I just knew (with out any reasonable knowledge of what was to happen) fall into?




  1. The problem with "guy feelings" is there's no real way to gauge how accurate they are.

    For example:

    1.) If I have a gut feeling I shouldn't open the door and I don't open the door, then I don't know if that was a good gut feeling.

    2.) OK, let's say I do open the door but nothing bad happens.  Then I forget I ever had and incorrect gut feeling.

    3.) It's only when you've had (or *think* you had since we can have creative memories some times) a gut feeling which turns out to be accurate that you even remember it.

    4.) What if a gut feeling is really nothing more than an educated response?  If I am a fireman and don't open the door, is it because I know the door can explode Backdraft-style?

    5.) Don't forget about all the bad things that happen to you that you had no gut feeling about.

  2. Gut feelings are nothing more than feelings based upon conscious thought, past experience, subconscious. etc.

    Nothing magical about it, sometimes it works out positively, sometimes negatively.

    Not of smidgen of evidence that there is any type of "6th sense".  If you believe this, it is just because you choose to, just like some choose to believe in Santa, the Tooth fairy, etc.

  3. None, actually. Those feelings or thoughts, whether they are actually reasoned out or simply imaginary or guesswork, are products of our conscious or unconscious mind at work. They are not direct inputs from a sensory organ.

  4. Hear,smell,saw, feel,taste.

  5. and their are way more then 5 senses.






    subdivided into pain, temperature, 2 point discrimination



    kinesthesia (some think same as priprioception)

    i think i am forgetting one or two...

  6. I think it's in our subconscious...

  7. None of the senses are responsible.I can tell you from my own experience.People in dangerous jobs who"rely"on gut feelings.Sometimes can be impulsive.They're more likely to get themselves or others killed.Knowledge,experience and training are what keep people alive.

  8. There is an excellent book on intuition by the name

    "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell.

    To answer the question more directly all of them that are available at the time (for example a painting is not going to provide you with a sound) plus knowledge and experience.

    That said I also believe in ESP and that it can play a role but all other "normal" explanations have to be explored first. That would not fall into any sensory category despite the early and currently almost never used in science labeling of it as a "sixth sense"


  9. i consider it the 6th sense people don't want to admit.

  10. I agree, that is the sixth sense.

  11. i think different people get these feelings from different places...the mind and the paranormal world has many levels and it would depend on where a person is in life which area these feelings come from...there are many more than 5 senses

  12. That would be your six sense.... and it comes to me in many forms as if that six sense is communicating to me. I ready myself when my body feel strange-nervous or shakes....I know something bad is about to happen to me. When my left ear shakes fast or vibrates....means the phone is about to ring of some trouble, perhaps someone I know wants to set me up for a fall. If I have a vision.... usually it's about to happen, so I prepare for what I saw. And if I just feel that something bad is going to happen, again, the way my body feels or I just know....I just prepare in a way that I feel safe....and it usually pays off, people are in wonder how do I know....I don't, it comes to me in these type forms, or dreams that come true. I say it's ESP and I have to also say, spirits.....I also had many near death experiences, more than cats have, I just wonder how did I walk away from all them things....and since I see spirits all my life.....I make this the connection. It's possible we do have more that six senses.

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