
What cause Islamic downfall in the world?

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Muslims were ruling the world in past. They were superior at any front say in battle ground, trade or knowledge. Today they are known for terrorist activities in the world. Most Muslims are illiterate and fanatic and are struggling for power. What cause the downfall of these people who had glorious past?




  1. Though the Ottoman Empire (1299 - 1908) sacked Rome and caused the decline of the Roman Empire, Bayezid l, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire was soundly defeated and captured by Timur the Great (the ruler of the descendants of the Mongol Hordes) in 1402 CE.  The great cities of Iraq, Egypt and Persia was destroyed to the extent that these great cities never recovered to their former glory.

    And by early 19th century, rise of nationalism of many countries in Europe led to rapid breakup of the Ottoman Empire, as it began to lose territories on all fronts.

    *Muslim Empire never ruled the world, in past history.  Only the Mongols were able to do that:  routed and burnt all Russian towns and cities along the way to destroy Hungary - and even Teutonic Knights (military order for Christendom) were massacred along the way.  Even as the Mongols retreated (because of the death of the Ogedei Khan in Mongolia), some European nations dared not pursue after these Mongol Hordes.  The Chinese army (Ming Dynasty) was the only force able to subjugate the Mongols, and Timur the great paid tributes to the Ming Dynasty.

  2. Easy: They haven't developed any further since the advent of Islam. Their restrictive and debilitating religion has long since stifled and constricted all freedom of thought and science. All energies and thoughts were turned to devotion to a false god, rather than productive activities.

  3. When Israel was down and in Egypt and Babylon, they did not try to lift them up, but put them in slavery to them.

    God said, "I will bless those who bless Israel and I will curse those who curse Israel."

    Israel has been God's example to the world to show that if you fall into idolatry of worshiping other things other than God, then God will turn His back on you.  And when God turns his back, you are in very bad trouble.  Without the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose Son is Jesus the Christ - no nation is blessed.

  4. Their firm belief that they would receive some uncredible amount of virgins when they blew the infidels to kingdom come.

  5. With help of God, we will rise once mor..

  6. wars. you win some and you lose some. it's the natural cycle of life.

    idiots who are here to take cheap shots, learn some history before you open your mouths. while Europe was still wallowing in the dark ages, Islam and Muslims had built an empire of faith and science the world had never seen before. they excelled in many scientific fields while the Catholic church ( or should i just say the church since it was only one at the time) was still burning people at the stake for heresy.

  7. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. It is sad that Islam gets stereo typed in the category of terrorist. Islam literally means peace. Muslim means one who submits his or her  will to God and the practices of peace.God tells muslims in the Holy Quran "if anyone kills a person - it would be as if he killed all of man kind." 5:32 . There are christians who also terrorize people  but we don't see them as  terrorists, we see them as sick. David Koresh, Timmothy Mc veigh. Muslims have no more control over small groups of radicals as Christians do over abortion clinic bombers or killers of doctors in the name of Jesus(peace be upon him) These acts are acts of individuals following their own sick minds not the will of God.In the Holy Quran it is commanded by God ;" do not kill yourselves". 4:29-30. Islam is on the rise and growing every day. I encourage you to reasearch islam there are many web sites. Take a look at islam Also read an Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. There are more than 7 million Muslims living in America seek out one of them, have coffee and a conversation, you may see that you are blinded by stereo types. You may learn something about yourself.

  8. Because they insist on living in the past.

  9. Cause: Law (Legalism)

    1Thessalonians 5:3 notes when they shall say Peace(be upon you) and safety(in the law, worketh wrath), well then, it's followed by sudden destruction, notably of the "no escape" sort, and notably upon them who say such foolish things like Grace + law.

    Galatians 5:4 (notably to the bewitched) notes justification by law is a fall, from grace to law; Also notes the result: then Christ(the end of the law) is of no effect to you. Hebrews 7:23 notes the result of Christ not being of effect to you: Not suffered to continue by reason of death.

    The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

  10. Not utilizing the intellectual talents of women, changing a peaceful religion into extremist and terrorist cult and having a serious religious mental virus.

  11. I'm afraid you're not going to get a good, short answer to this question, but I have a few thoughts for you.

    1.  Muslims are known for terrorist activities because most of the press is Christian or otherwise biased against Islam and so has a vested interest in not reporting anything else that Muslims do.  Lots of different types of people commit terrorist acts throughout the world, including a lot of Christians--it's not unique to Muslims.

    2.  The statement that "most Muslims are illiterate and fanatic" is a complete lie.  Learning Qur'an is one of the requirements of the faith and you can't do that if you can't read.  At most you might memorize what someone else tells you the Qur'an says, and that leaves you open to all sorts of abuses.  This is probably why so many Muslim fanatics ARE illiterate--it serves the purposes of those who lead terrorist groups.  If their footsoldiers knew that what they were doing was against Islam there would be a worldwide revolt against every kind of terrorist movement.  But *some* so-called Muslims being illiterate fanatics does not mean *most* are.

    One word for you:  Indonesia.  Learn more about it.  It's got the largest Muslim population in the world so why hasn't its economy ground to a standstill and why haven't they blown themselves up yet?

  12. The rise of the west, humanism, exploration and trade. This lead to the opening up of science in the west (Europe) along with better organised trade which lead to Imperialism and capitalism. The Muslim east, was internal looking and ceased to be expansionist at the same time period.

  13. I want to correct something: Islam NEVER - NEVER NEVER ruled the world.


    Most accomplishments in the Middle East predates Islam by centuries, and even predates Christianity. So what do you make of that?

    And your question is bigoted and racist. I don't like Islam, but I have nothing against the people.

  14. because we abandoned our religion and started to copy all other nations .

    we simply walked away from god and his commands and our prophet's  (peace be upon him) teaching .

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