
What caused Global Warming to form?? or start??

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I am doing a project about global warming. I want to know how it started.




  1. Global warming was started by Americans.

  2. Wow, people have no idea what they are talking about. The globe started to warm during the late 1800's. Lucky for us, as this warming brought us out of the little ice age which had lasted for about 400 years (1400 - 1800's). Since the late 1800's ,the earth has been warming on a fairly regular basis (slight cooling in the 70's). To say  the earth is warming because of pollution is ignorant. The was warming far before that. Currently, the only correlation to warming is the sun. The sun decides whether we warm or cool.

  3. It wasn't started by pollution or Americans.  That shows how it is just a silly political movement.  The climate changes because of variations in the orbit around the sun, variations in solar output and the delayed warming of the oceans.  It started as a political movement where communists decided they could attack capitalism most effectively by blaming environmental changes on it.  It was dutifully picked up by leftist environmentalists around the world.

  4. You may want to search google.  There was, just the other day, an article in the news saying that the East Coast of the U.S. is where Global Warming starts.  It had some sort of a radar map with the associated temperature increases in bright red colors caused by human emissions and the East Coast of the U.S. is the largest concentration of temperature increase in the world.                                                                                            Originally, the U.S. is responsible for it because of the way that the monetary system supported the use of fossil fuels.  It seems greed overwhelmed the use of common sense (Ford Motor Company  Exon, etc.).  Even if we could have kept one third of our country horse and buggy only, at least we could have a place to go after we realized that fossil fuels are globally genocidal, a frame of mind that still exists to this day by some, namely the "deniers".                      And it's easy for lots of folks to say global warming isn't real.  But how much effort does it take to be a part of its solution.  There's nothing natural about automobile exhaust.  And wouldn't it be nice to place the deniers into a closed off arena and "start the engines" and see how long they would continue to deny this issue.  Eventually I think that we will all lose.

  5. Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

    The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

    This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

    Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

    becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

    As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

    When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

    It's been happening for millions of years.

    The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

    As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

    Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

    Humans did not cause it.

    Humans cannot stop it.

  6. "Global warming is a myth. It is not human caused there is more and more proof all the time. The earth has been getting SLIGHTLY warmer over the past few millennia since the end of the last ice age. Long before man could have possible had anything to do with it.Human caused warming is a lie and propaganda.See the movie  EXPELLED  ,out soon .

  7. Typically what starts global warming is the end of an ice age. From that point on the temperature trends upwards with occasional setbacks. The global warming your project is about is undoubtedly Anthropogenic Global Warming or AGW, which is caused by people burning fossil fuels and releasing the CO2 it contains. There are many more powerful greenhouse gases than CO2, nearly all of the warming is done by water vapor in the atmosphere, but CO2 is the one that human activity releases most. CO2 is currently at about 383 parts per million in the atmosphere, or about .04% of the total. If CO2 is the culprit then you'd say that the current warming began when we started to use fossil fuels in earnest, at the start of the Industrial Revolution. This precedes the use of petroleum, people used coal long before they found a way to use oil for fuel. The Chinese were using it about 3,000 years ago but it began to be used as part of the Industrial Revolution in 1678, then as a power source in steam engines in the late 18th century.

  8. H-U-M-A-N-S.....

  9. Global warming began as political movement after world socialism was completely discredited in the early 1990's.  For many devout socialist there was a void in their souls and they needed a new cause.  Out of Socialism grew the Green party.  At first the greens were seen as a fringe movement until they invented the new religion of Global Warming.  

    Global warming was an easy sell to the gullible masses.  After all the planet has been on a warming trend since the end of the last ice age and the Pleistocene epoch.  They peddle the myth that they can control nature if we just put them in power.  

    Global warming has been a bonanza for researchers, they preach doom and gloom and the money rolls in.  The research is skewed by greed and by those who would use it to derive political power..


    Read this quote: by Walden Bello,  Senior Analyst at Focus on the Global South, a program of the Chulalongkorn University Social Research Institute.

    Threat and opportunity

    " climate change is both a threat and an opportunity to bring about the long postponed social and economic reforms that had been derailed or sabotaged in previous eras by elites seeking to preserve or increase their privileges. The difference is that today the very existence of humanity and the planet depend on the institutionalization of economic systems based not on feudal rent extraction or capital accumulation or class exploitation but on justice and equality.

    The question is often asked these days if humanity will be able to get its act together to formulate an effective response to climate change. Though there is no certainty in a world filled with contingency, I am hopeful that it will.

    In the social and economic system that will be collectively crafted, I anticipate that there will be room for the market. However, the more interesting question is: will it have room for capitalism? Will capitalism as a system of production, consumption, and distribution survive the challenge of coming up with an effective solution to the climate crisis?"  

    There is no climate crisis.  The crisis is that the failed system of Socialism, that brings misery and poverty, may once again be dreged up as the savior of mankind.

  10. Naturally occurring phenomenon

  11. its not real so why do a project on it

  12. If you follow the media and those trying to find stories to scare people and report stories, burning fossil fuels is the cause.

    If you look at the data, you'll find that the Earth has been in a warming period for a VERY long time (since the previous ice age).  You'll also find that the other planets in our solar system are warming.  THe warming corresponds to solar activity of our sun.  How people can honestly say our pollution warms up other planets I have no idea about.

    ps.  I'm an aerospace engineer who switched careers to teach math and science in order to improve our education on topics just like this because of the lack of understanding many of our "science" teachers have.

  13. It started when humans started evoving into what we are now . Tree Killers !(sob .)

  14. politics that's how it got started.

  15. The earth started warming after the ice age. Though pollution from people and the earth itself caused the dramatic climate change. I think the earliest pollutions were caused by things like volcanoes and forest fires, something like that. But, humans are the main cause of global warming. We just made it worse. We cut down forests, generate and use electricity, drive cars. Most of the activities we perform daily contribute to global warming.

  16. Streets,Roads,Rooftops overpopulation.Greedy humans.

  17. no one knows for sure its thought to have something to do a variable inclination of the earths axis. there seems to be a cyclic wobble. but we haven't been around long enough to test this theory empirically.

    all we know for sure is we have periodic ice ages of approx 100,000 years duration interspersed with rapid warming periods of approx 10,000 years duration.

    the current inter glacial warming period has lasted approx 13,000 years & may be extended because of greenhouse gases created by current farming practices & industrial burning of fossil fuels.

  18. Huge increases in the rate the world burned fossil fuels, particularly in the economic boom following World War 2, the boom (with minor pauses) has lasted pretty much till right now.

    A key factor was the discovery of large amounts of oil in the US in the late 1800s, and more later in the Middle east, although it was some time before the world was burning huge quantities of it.

  19. air pollution...

  20. pollution!

    pollution from people is how it all started!

  21. pollution becomes trapped in the earths atmosphere which thickens rapidly keeping the suns rays from leaving our atmosphere...the rays bounce right back and cause more heat..warmer seas which lead to more hurricanes and the melting of huge ice blocks in areas that should be freezing cold..all this has many consequences and effects everything from people to animals..its a really big deal!

    its actually really interesting not boring at all.

    You should watch the documentary Al Gore made..its called "An Inconvenient Truth"..its great at explaining this subject after you watch it all your questions will be answered.

    "An Inconvenient Truth".. you should watch it, it will definitely help with your project :)

  22. Global Warming started because of all the pollution that is going into the atmosphere. Because of the all the pollutants in the atmosphere, heat is trapped under it and less heat can get out. Therefore, global warming.

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