
What caused the Sumerians' downfall??

by Guest63387  |  earlier

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  1. an Elamite invasion in 2004 BC....

  2. It was much more complicated than this, but an extremely short version is, I believe, that they went to war with the Akkadians and were ultimately absorbed by them. That isn't the end of the story, by any means. You'll need to do some research for the entire story, maybe start with:

  3. At the time of Hammurabi's (Code of Laws) death, circa 1700 BCE, being overtaken by wars was so common, that the Sumerian epitaph was said to be, "You come to my land and defeat my people, then I go to your land and defeat your people, then you come back to my land...and so on, and so forth", until any sort of homogenous society virtually disappeared...

  4. Sumerians were constantly at war with one another and other peoples, for water was a scarce and valuable resource. The result over time of these wars was the growth of larger city-states as the more powerful swallowed up the smaller city-states. Eventually, the Sumerians would have to battle another peoples, the Akkadians, who migrated up from the Arabian Peninsula. The Akkadians were a Semitic people, that is, they spoke a Semitic language related to languages such as Hebrew and Arabic. When the two peoples clashed, the Sumerians gradually lost control over the city-states they had so brilliantly created and fell under the hegemony of the Akkadian kingdom which was based in Akkad, the city that was later to become Babylon.

  5. They still exist, but not as the dominant power they once were. Damascus is still the world's oldest still standing City.

    It was the Seat of trade in the Sumerian civilization. These same people built Ur, in Mesopotamia, where Abraham originated.

    Its only that the people once called this by others-have ceased to be as important as they once were, and many of their colonies have been assumed by others, same as India becoming separate from the British Empire.

  6. They in fought like the greek city states, this made it easy for the Akkadians to swoop down and take over. As for the original Sumerians, their genes are probably well dispersed by now.

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