
What caused the collapse of The League Of Nations?

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In fact i am quite aware as I have learned masses about it, but i am also aware that to answer this would take pages and pages, as i learnt about it for months flat out basically. That is why i am interested to see peoples own opinions on why the League Of Nations only lasted about 26 years, and how yo could evaluate the reasons into a short description? Thanks a lot!




  1. Decode this lyrics " Say you say me"

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. essentially it was a paper tiger.  It had a lot growl, but nothing to back it up.  In other words, the league would shout for peace, but unless a big country wanted to contribute troops to enforce it, there was nothing that could be done to enforce it.  Ultimately, the axis with Hitler and Mussolini just started ignoring them knowing that their was nothing the League could really do to stop them.  Unable to stop WWII, the league dissolved and essentially transformed into the UN.  The UN, by the way, has the same problem the difference however, is that the UN so far has been more successful at being able to convince countries to donate troops to help them enforce mandates.  But essentially, much like the league, the UN is a paper tiger as well.

  3. >the elite of smaller countries battling it out with the elite of larger one's-disconnect occurred when it was discovered that the pie would be cut in ways those with money and power deemed not equal...greed.

       ...and then there became Hitlers...

  4. If you go back and look at the time period, the 1920's---30's, you could see what the problem was with the League. The main leaders in the league, Britain and france had fought a disasterous war, World War 1 which had drained a whole generation of manpower and wealth into a war in which the

    vast majority of these 2 democracies NEVER NEVER wanted to get involved again. The loser of the war, Germany was determined to get back what was once theirs and 2 winners of the war Japan and italy thought they had been cheated at the Peace conference. All 3 of these countries ,

    Germany, Italy, and Japan became Totalitarian Dictatorships

    becaues the leaders of these 3 countries Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo promised their people glory and power. They were not afraid to use might and the military to win their arguments. The French and the English were. Appeasement

    was born in this matter. if the USA was therte would it have made any difference? Probably NOT. We had our own problems, The Great Depression, remember? Most Americans did not want to become involved in another European senseless War and besides you could not take the japanese seriously, they are Asiatic and not our equal, this was the racist thought which we were to learn the hard way was not true. With no one to support action which limited

    aggression we, France, Britain, and the USA only encouraged the Axis, Germany, Italy, and Japan to act as they did. What about the USSR? The Americans, French, and

    British did not deal with those 'dirty commies'. The league had the best of intentions but you know about the road to hel-

    being paved with good intentions.

            Hope that helps.


  5. Simple answer, it couldn't really do anything other than tell countries off.

  6. That fact that the US wouldn't join did not help the effort.

  7. Non-effectiveness and non-participation .

  8. I did this in History over 20 years ago. I can't recall why it collapsed. After the war and Germany had to pay reparations, The League of Nations was formed and it eventually became the United Nations didn't it? My memory is fuzzy and it's a Friday afternoon. My brain switched off ages ago…

  9. The League of Nations had no real power. Economic sanctions didn't really work because countries would ignore them, due to trade interests etc. and when a country went against the League, there was nothing it could do, as the League had no military force. Also, without the USA, sanctions were never effective, as a country would just move its trade from Europe to the US. The Depression didn't help, as countries became more worried about home policy, than creating world peace. Also, the League was so large, and with every member having a veto, it took ages to sort out any arguments, and one country to quash any attempts at peace.

    Of course there are many other reasons, but I think they are the main ones. And that for a while the League only delt with smaller countries. Once Hitler came along, the League didn't have the power to stop it. Plus many of the members stopped playing by the rules, and went and created independent treaties etc. with each other.

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