
What caused the "Big Bang" ?

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What caused the "Big Bang" ?




  1. nothing cause its not true

  2. Don't get me wrong here because I am not an expert at this level of theory. However if i were to amass a few thoughts on the subject ,who's to say i just might be right?  Speculating now..What was the big bang anyway was it the culmination of all things we have in the solar systems and beyond .Driven to unimaginable mass with the minimum of volume. Some say the size of a softball??? And when it got to a point it just exploded into the void of space which stretched forever and somehow was always there even though we are suppose to believe that the big bang ball had it all in there...My whole problem started years ago with a backyard swing. It was packaged in Alabama and clearly stated that i needed no other parts to complete this construction...Everthing i needed was in the BOX ...Well my kids were small and my construction was small so i started puting this thing together . As i neared the end all was fine ...Except i had a few fastners left over...Well how could that be since only what i needed was in the box ,no more no less,why do i have pieces left over..????This swingset worked fine for years i through the fastners and the box away and my kids grew up. The afterthought of this project though led my parable to the big bang theory and lots of thought in class about this. Where are all the parts to the ball and when you add up all the energy levels potentially and kinetically stored we have a huge problem with a shortage. And so it leads me to believe that perhaps we had parts left over. Maybe we haven't found them yet I'm not sure. and if we have we just don't know how to fit them into our cool physics system because they don't act like they should. And perhaps all we need to do is write new rules and make them fit all the criteria out there. But for me the dreamer and speculator and scientist I for one would like to know why we have parts left over ..If it was all the in the big bang ball where did it all go?

    Be sure and catch Ben Steins movie in the next few weeks....One last thing ,,read about the Einstein -Rosen  bridge ..maybe thats where all the extra parts went?????...Food for thought ...from the E...

  3. The big drunken party followed by the big take home a hot chick....haha

    Actually, the big bang was supposedly caused by an immense build up of hydrogen and helium gases that eventually couldn't be contained and was exploded into what we now know as the universe.  The rest of the elements were created through nuclear fission/fusion over the course of the last 6 billion years.  Check out the sceintific american web site.  They just did an article on it a couple issues ago.

  4. Scientists caused the big bang.  Being somewhat meglomanical it seemed like the biggest thing they could come up with to compete with God for recognition.  Some future generation of scientists trying to make a name for themselves will have to come up with something bigger than the big bang.  That is the natural evolution of science.  Now think about this: What value is there in presenting a speculation about the ancient universe as if it were a dogmatic truth?

  5. The big bang is when you bang a hammer on a wall.

  6. No one really knows.  The problem is we don't know how to unite the physics of the very large (gravity) with that of the very small (quantum physics).  At the big bang both gravity and quantum forces would be huge, so until we figure out how to unite the two we can't really understand it.

    There are several theories, but they are practically just speculation.  One holds that the universe will eventually stop expanding, reverse, and contract into an infinitly hot and dense point, causing a new big bang (in other words they're cyclical).  Another theory holds that there is a 10-dimensional hyperspace, containing multidimensional 'branes'.  When two branes collide it triggers a big bang, creating a 4-dimensional universe like ours.  

    There is another way of looking at it.  When matter is very dense causing space-time to warp, the time and space axis swap and time effectively slows.  At the time of the big bang all the energy and mass was in a single point, infinitely dense.  That would warp space so much that time could be considered to be stopped.  In other words time simply did not exist before the big bang.

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