
What causes Cancer,why do you get it?

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I just want to know how it start's, What makes it even come.




  1. Put simply, cancer happens when normal cells change so that they grow in an uncontrolled way. This uncontrolled growth causes a tumour to form.

    Nobody knows what causes this to happen.

    Smoking has been linked to lung and some other cancers; excessive sun exposure has been linked to skin cancers.

    However not all people who smoke get lung cancer, and not all people who get lung cancer smoke. Nobody knows why some people get cancer and others with the same risk factors  - or lack of them - don't.

    Some cancers are genetic, but this is less than 10% of all cancer cases. Cancer that 'runs in the family' is rare, and is due to an inherited faulty gene.

    But apart from all that, we're still pretty much in the dark as to what causes cancer.

    Some people will tell you (have told you) that it's lifestyle factors. This is a reflection of their own fears. It is often less frightening for people who haven't had cancer to 'blame the victim' - that is to put cancer down to avoidable lifestyle factors like bad diet, alcohol, lack of exercise, stress etc - than it is for them to accept that cancer is a largely random disease that can strike any of us at any time.

    I pretty much believed that myself at one time. I thought - when I thought about it at all - that my healthy, largely organic vegan diet, coupled with the facts that I exercised regularly, avoided caffeine and have never smoked, would protect me from cancer. Wrong, I got cancer anyway.

    Cancer affects the healthy and the unhealthy alike. Nobody knows what causes most cancers.

  2. People get cancer because their body's cells mutate and start attacking other healthy body cells. Unhealthy activity (smoking, drinking in excess, toxic things in the environment) cause it to happen. Unfortunately, it can also happen on its own. You're more at risk if close family members have it (it's not contagious, but it's genetic).

  3. The Shocking Causes:

    Microwaved Food

    Simple logic makes you think that heating something with a microwave is just like heating something normally. It is not. A perfect example of this is human blood. Before human blood can be transfused, it must be warmed. If this is done in a microwave, it will KILL the patient. Microwaving is not an ideal form of heating something, and we recommend using other types of heating to warm food. But we understand the microwave is almost a necessity in this day and age, so if you have to use if, you must understand the dangers.

    The most striking issue is the use of plastics in a microwave. Studies are finding all kinds of potent carcinogens in microwaved plastic, which can seep into your food. If you need to microwave anything, even prepared TV dinners, take them out of their container and use a microwave safe plate or ceramic dish. No plastic, and especially no plastic wraps! Also do not warm a baby's bottle in a microwave. We have not been able to find any direct studies linking specific cancers to microwave use, but the proof of carcinogens being formed in food by microwaves, especially when plastics are involved, exists.

    Hair Dyes

    It is becoming more and more clear that hair dyes are not very safe. Chemicals such as diaminoanisole and FD&C Red 33 are found in hair dyes, and scientists have directly classified both of these as carcinogens. This evidence is also supported by separate studies that link hair dyes to such rare cancers as: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and multiple myeloma. Another study claims that at least 20% of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma found in women is caused by use of hair dyes.

    We do not have extensive detail on specifically what is bad about hair dyes, but experts have estimated that 20% of the non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases found in women may have been cause by use of hair dye. Until more studies are done on this, or a hair dye proves itself to be safe, use hair dyes as sparingly as possible.


    Talk is a mineral that is mined and used in many household and cosmetic products. When talc is processed a minute fiber that is very similar to asbestos is not removed, and ends up in the products you take home. Talc is in many things in small quantities, but poses the biggest threat in powder form such as baby powder, medicated powers, perfumed powders and designer perfumed body powders. Inhalation of these powders has been linked to lung cancer, while ovarian cancer has been directly linked to women who use these powders in their lower region. Numerous other cancers may be linked to talcum powder use, but there isn't enough evidence to support it.

    Meats and Eggs Cooked at High Temperatures

    When foods such as meats and eggs are cooked at high temperatures, heterocyclic amine compounds are formed inside the food. The compounds that are formed are also found in cigarette smoke. In-depth studies of this are very recent, but scientific testing on animals suggested a link between these compounds and cancer of the stomach, colon, liver, oral cavity, mammary gland, skin, and cecum. Older studies conducted on fried foods suggest a link between these compounds to breast and colorectal cancer. This whole topic is very new, and quite shocking. Fried meats are not good for you anyway, so removing them from your diet is going to be a health improvement for multiple reasons. But grilling and other types of cooking may also be hazardous, so please stay educated on this topic and be careful not to cook at temperatures that are extreme.

    The Worrisome Causes:


    Everyone knows that pesticides are not good for you and can be poisonous. But what you didn't know is the extent of impact researchers are finding on pesticides and cancer. Pesticide "Bombs" in the home, termite control products, flea collars on pets, insecticides in the garden or orchard and herbicides for week control have all been proven to have direct impact on cancers, especially childhood cancers. The risk of leukemia increases by FOUR TO SEVEN times for children 10 or under whose parents use home or garden pesticides. Use of any of the aforementioned products can also be directly linked to increased risk for childhood brain cancer.


    Lanolin is a harmless product normally used on a baby's skin. The problem is that studies have found contaminates in Lanolin including carcinogenic pesticides and DDT. Make sure any Lanolin product is proven to be rid of these contaminants.


    There is no startling evidence to say that cosmetic use will give you cancer. But the worrisome aspect of cosmetics is three fold. First, cosmetics are not regulated strongly by the FDA. The FDA only comes after a cosmetic after it has entered the market and generated complaints. They also do not require pre-market safety testing or FDA approval. Secondly, the human skin is extremely permeable. This means that things you put on it soak into your body and into your bloodstrea

  4. what kitty said

    cells naturally re produce a lot everyday but sometimes a cell will reproduce too quickly and that is the start of cancer. at least i think thats right but kitty 4 the most part is on a role, especially about the genetics part. if you dont have a family history of cancer it doesn't mean you cant get it because you can randomly get it its just if family has had it your more likely to get it

  5. They don't know the main reason ,know what links to cancer like what you eat, smoking, chemicals , immune system not so good on fighting sickness.

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