
What causes Pink Eye???

by  |  earlier

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like what does it do and how do you get it.

i'm just wondering cuz i have it right now.





  1. Haemophilus aegyptius is a very contagious cause of Pink Eye.

  2. It is the same germ that causes the common cold.  It is very easy to infect yourself with pink eye when you have a cold.  We are always touching our faces, and if you rub your nose and then your eye, bingo.  You can get pink eye.  It is also very easily contracted from others who have it or have colds.  Touching things they may have touched and then touching your face can spread it.  The biggest way to prevent pink eye is to wash your hands often with soap and hot water.  Just a quick rinse with no soap,or using cold water will not kill the germs.  Take time to lather up good and rinse well with hot water.  If you can&#039;t get to a bathroom or sink, carry antibacterial wipes or antibacterial waterless hand cleaner with you at all times.  Use it often when shopping, dining, or in school...

  3. Bacillus subtilis is the cause, the bacterium that usually causes conjunctivitis. Sometimes, it&#039;s viral. Refer to an eye specialist so he/she can perform culture and sensitivity tests to indicate the causative agent and as to identify the proper drug regimen.

    Pink eye results when blood vessels supplying your eye tissue are engorged with blood in response to infection of the causative agent. This is called inflammation, when the body&#039;s immune system defends the whole system after invasion of pathogens.  

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