
What causes a bloodshot eye?

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What causes a bloodshot eye?




  1. many causes

    tiredness, too much alcohol, certain drugs, stress etc...

    there are three types of blood vessels in our bodies

    arerties (take blood away from the heart around the body), veins (take blood that has been used back to the heart and lungs) and cappilieries (these allow the transistion of oxygen and nutrients from the blood to the the cells)

    in your eyes there are thousands of cappileries if any of the above happens they dilate (get bigger) which makes them appear raised from the surface of the eye and are most noticeable in the whites of your eyes

    everyone gets bloodshot eyes from time to time

    if yours are constantly bloodshot adjust your diet and sleeping, if your eyes are sore or you feel resure in them, experience flashes accross your line of sight or go blind (even if only for a short eriod of time - like a second) see a doctor or call for an ambulance immediately as you may have suffered a haemorriage in your eye vessels or in the brain

    if the eye is damaged by a blunt blow to it then it can cause the vessels in the eye to bleed out giving a red patch on the eye this is a bruise but appears red becuase the bleed is close to the surface and the whites of the eye a bruise on the skin appears purple because it is deeper in the skin and is usually a vein that bleeds (so it is blue becuase their is no oxygen present) the cappilleries are carrying red blood

    hope this answers your question and helps

  2. Conjunctivitis, commonly called "Pink Eye" and "Red Eye" is an inflammation of the outermost layer of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids, most commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection.

    Blepharoconjunctivitis is the combination of conjunctivitis with blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids).

    Keratoconjunctivitis is the combination of conjunctivitis and keratitis (corneal inflammation).

    Episcleritis is an inflammatory condition that produces a similar appearance to conjunctivitis, but without discharge or tearing.

    Irritants such as shampoo, dirt, smoke, or chlorine (from pool water) can cause Red-Eye as well.

  3. When You Consistently Rub Your Eyes, When You Have Had Not Much Sleep At All.

  4. poking it

    rubing your eye

  5. when your eyes get sunburned, they turn pinkish, and slightly bloodshot looking. Blood vessels that are close to the outside of your eye would make a bloodshot kinda look.

  6. A few things, like a burst blood vessel in the eye.

  7. My boyfriend gets blood shot eyes with his allergies and also when he drinks.  I can always tell if he's had a little Jack and Coke.  I get blood shot eyes if I'm really, really tired or have been working at the computer too long.  Also, if I have my contacts in too long and they get all dry.  My uncle also got a really bad blood shot eye once when he sneezed really hard and burst a blood vessel.  Yuck!  If you have a problem with this and are concerned, talk to your doctor.

  8. alcohol does

  9. There are a few things; excess rubbing, tiredness, eye strain, stress, infection and needing spectacles.

    If your problem persists go to your doctor/optician.

    Good luck and hope it gets better soon.

  10. Common causes of bloodshot eyes include eyestrain, fatigue and mechanical irritation. Environmental factors including extremely dry air and sun exposure, as well as allergy, infection, trauma, an improper diet and the consumption of alcohol may also contribute to the appearance of bloodshot eyes. Deficiencies in Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine) and the amino acids histidine, lysine or phenylalanine can also bring about bloodshot eyes.

    Other causes of bloodshot eyes include eye infections and eye inflammation which cause redness, itching, pain and vision problems.

    Oh yeah that and smoking pot :)

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