
What causes a cat's attitude to change?

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Is it true that when you have a cat fixed thier attitude changes. I could never get my cat to sit in my lap or let me pet her. The only person in our family that she would have anything to do with was my husband. Now she wants to me on me. I am not complaining but she has done a total 180 and i don't know why. However if she is laying on my stomach i can only pet her for a few seconds and she tries to attack my hands, but will continue laying there. Someone told me that it could be because she got fixed or there could be something more going on. What do you think? don't get me wrong I AM NOT complaining. I kinda just want to know if this change is going to last or if she is going to go back to not wanting anything to do with me.




  1. if you have a cat it depends how treating it

  2. cats are there own masters and choose there owners not the other way round.their is a saying that a dog will come when called but a cat will take a message and get back to you..whether fixed or not your cat prefers to be with you now rather than with your husband.probably because you pay more attention to her or are with her more hours..i can give you a prime example,although i have 8 cats 7 were all me and the one toots who is 15 was all my husband,she slept with him every night,sat on his lap when he ate his tea and both went to sleep in each others arms..we split nearly 3 years ago and the cat became so depressed and pined for my husband,after 2 painful years i nursed her back to health and she started staying on my lap and sleeping with me,which she had never ever done,as i said she was all my husband came back to us for 7mths,and toots  would  lay in his arms again,but every time he spoke to her  and call her on to his lap she would look at me to see if she should be with him or go to him.anyway he left  again after 8 months ago.and she never missed him again or since..and neither have my other cats..

  3. well i am clueless about the mood changes. but when she is fighting with your hand, i am almopst 100% sure she is just trying to play around. you may not find it flattering, but that is what cats do.

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