
What causes a dog to bite at flies?

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My dog sits and watches flies flying thru the house and snaps at them. I mean she will jump up to snap at them. She hates flies. It drives me nuts tho, the snapping. I get on to her and she stops but you can watch her, she is always watching the air for a fly. What can I do to break this annoying habit?




  1. I've known dogs that do the same thing, and it can be annoying. I don't know how old your dog is, but it might just be something it grows out of. Try getting her some toys to try to take her mind off catching flies. Another idea is to get a fly catcher or one of those sticking strips. If there's no flies for her catch, she'll probably loose interest in trying to find them. Hopefully this helps.

  2. I hit flies if they come around me. Shouldnt she be able to eat the flies that bug her.

    Dogs are also carnivorous and the extra protein doesnt hurt them.  

  3. Redirect her attention when she starts this to a toy or a treat.  Put her through a few moments of sit-stays and down-stays.

    Or do what I do and kill the little buggers.

  4. It is fun for them to catch them and eat them  " yuck", like a tennis game only they can eat the ball. or should I say fly.  Cats like this game to. my dog once played the game with a yellow jacket he did not like that game at all lol

  5. I guess she sees you swatting at the flies when they come into the house so she does the same. LOLI know it's annoying but after all the flies annoy us too and we swat at them too ,right the dog cant use his paws like we do our hands so he has no choice but to swat at them with his mouth.

  6. LOL I think it's cute!!! They like chasing bugs.

    You can't break this habit. It's in their nature.  

  7. The same thing that causes you to swat at the flys, Trying to stop them from buzzing and annoying you ..

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