
What causes a dog to eat f***s?

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What causes a dog to eat f***s?




  1. Maybe it's lacking something in it's diet?

  2. Hes a conservationist, whats the problem?

    Maybe his mother told him there was a p**p fairy.

    Mmmm yummie someone left me a treat in the middle of the yard again, SCORE!  Simple solution go out with the dog or dogs and pickup the p**p as soon as they go.

  3. Sometimes it's poor breeding practices. If the breeder doesn't keep the litter's area clean of p**p, the mom will have to eat it in order to keep a clean area. The puppies copy their mom.

    Or It could be they're eating too fast, and the food isn't digesting.  Which makes the p**p taste like food, and they eat it.  

  4. A behavior that is very common in dogs but not well understood is the eating of f***s. Technically this is known as coprophagia. When given the chance, many dogs will eat the f***s of other animals such as horses, deer and house cats. Raiding the litterbox is a common activity for dogs in households with cats. The behavior may be derived from the carnivorous (meat-eating) heritage of our pets. Carnivores frequently eat the internal organs and stomach contents (including p**p) of the animals that they kill. As a result, eating the f***s of other animals may be a normal extension of their carnivore behavior. There may be proteins and other nutrients in the f***s that are eaten. Less well understood is why some dogs eat the f***s of other dogs or even their own f***s. There are a number of animals that normally eat their own f***s or the f***s of other members of their species. These include rabbits, horses and rats. In these animals it is thought that eating of f***s may provide nutrients, enzymes or bacteria that help with digestion.

    It is not known why dogs eat their own f***s. For some dogs it is a strong habit while others may never do it. One theory is that it may be related to boredom or stress. Another is that it is related to digestive deficiencies. Neither theory has any support at the present time. No one really knows what causes it.

    Controlling or stopping coprophagia is very difficult. Veterinarians can supply a substance that can be added to a dog’s food that makes the f***s distasteful. Sometimes this is helpful. Most of the time, the best way to stop the behavior is to prevent the dog from getting to f***s. Picking up soon after your dog has pooped can be the best way to prevent him from getting to his own f***s.

  5. his food is not filling him.he is lacking nutrients and vitamins .

  6. My puppy used to do the same thing and I think it's because he smelled food in the f***s.  I had to train him not to eat it.  It took a while but he now knows not to do it.  I basically yell no right when he is getting ready to eat it and that distracts him and stops him from proceeding.  Good luck.


    In the wild, wolves ate f***s of other animals to gain nutrients from whatever that animal has eaten. Usually, they'll eat the fecal matter from an animal that eats plants since it lacks the vital nutrients from plants. So dogs have gotten the habit and instincts to do the same as their ancestor.

  8. This site explains it in depth

  9. Poor diet.

    does he eat really fast?

    try putting pineapple slices in his food,. this will make his poo smell and taste awful.

    if he eats really fast hand feed him for a while.

    or it could be from bad breeding.  

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