
What causes a lack of s*x drive? No jokes, serious only?

by  |  earlier

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Not a lack or inability to actually reach you know what "O"- but to actually begin? If the person seems guilty or frozen and it is messing up their relationship b/c he thinks she does not love him, she does but is just not that sexual, though she wishes to be. ? This is ruining my sisters marriage




  1. Depression. Anhedonia I think.

  2. She "wishes to be sexual"?


    In most cases, people are just distracted.

  3. There may be many reasons for this. I suggest your sister have a gynelogical examination and talk with the Doctor about the problem.

  4. It could be a lot of things, from physiological to psychological problems.  She could have a hormonal imbalance due to any number of reasons or be too tired to get turned on.  Or she could have problems with s*x because of the way she was brought up or because she was abused, or she could have a problem of some sort with him - not necessarily a sexual problem, but annoyance at something else.  Or she could have low self esteem.  She should get a physical to rule out those causes, and then, if there is nothing wrong physically, she could see a therapist to see if there is a psychological barrier to intimacy.

  5. She could try a professional marriage counselor.  Not to be ashamed; these problems are common.

  6. Some ideas I know are jealousy, rejection and bossiness. Marriage failure is more than s*x drive failure. A marriage failure can be missing the s*x drive that is going to someone outside of the marriage.

  7. It could be a lot of things.  Stress, depression, unresolved issues in current or past relationships, a thyroid problem or some other medical condition, post baby cool-off, drug or alcohol abuse/addiction.  A good place to start looking is with her gynecologist or family doctor.

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