
What causes a miscarriege?PLEASE HELP!

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Cause my friend wants one how can she do it?


well the thing is that she doesnt know if shes pregnant cause she and her boyfriend didint really had s*x but they were rubbing with no clothes and he didnt c *u*m in her and she was suppost to get her period this week and she has REAlly bad cramps like 2 days ago! what can she do? and shes to scared to take a pregnancy test so shes just trying to miscarriege PLEASE HELP!




  1. no. im not going to tell you. tell her to tell her parents.

  2. Okay, it doesn't even sound like she's pregnant. If the s***n didn't get in her v****a (or near it) then I don't see how she could be. She's probably just having a delayed period. The fact that she's cramping really bad means that she'll probably get her period very soon. Tell your friend she's an idiot.

  3. Miscarriage?? That's the wrong word. Miscarriage is when a baby dies/stop growing "by accident or nature".  That's not a miscarriage.

  4. ok shes prolly not pregnant if they didnt have s*x and he didnt nut in her. you can miss your period due to stress of thinking that your pregnant that happend to me all the time she just needs to calm down and stop worrying about it she is young and her period may not be coming on time for many reasons. to be sure just take her to the local health depart ment and they will give her a day after pill. she doesnt need to tell her parents . please for your saftey do not attempt to sstick anything up her vag. she could get anytype of vaginal infections that may cause her to never have children ever. and drinking and smoking does not kill a baby it only make it retarded. good luck next time be more careful

  5. your friend needs help ......she needs to tell her parents right away and shame on you for even asking how she can miscarry on purpose!!!

  6. First off, please tell your friend not to attmept a self - done abortion. It's highly dangerous to her health.

    Tell your friend to get a pregnancy test first, or go to her doctor. If she is pregnant, then i would suggest she tells a parent, and has a think about what she wants to do.

  7. You're asking people not to be rude yet you're asking how to have a miscarriage?  YOU'RE ******* SICK.  YOU BELONG IN A PSYCH WARD.

  8. She can't "MISCARRY" if she's not PREGNANT. Both of you calm down and quit acting like silly ten-year-olds.

    Amazing that she's afraid to pee on a stick, but not afraid to take poison or physically injure herself "just in case". She's probably not pregnant anyway. Tell her to grow the heck up.

  9. im 18 and had a miscarage last year, it HURT ALOT and for a long time, i bled for hours and hours and cried for a long time and was unable to stop. after going to the hospital my periods were not the same for months i bleed really heavy and couldnt even go to school!! I bleed through a tampon my underwear and through my pants its NOT FUN!!!!!!! DO NOT TRY TO MISCARRY!!!!! have her talk to her parents or at LEAST have her take a preg. test first. then talk about an abortion at least. That way she will at least have drugs to help.

    e-mail me if you need more help. I had to talk with my parents and everything to so i know >.<

  10. She needs to tell her parents and if she wont then you need to tell yours.  

  11. self induced miscarriages are terrible. your friend could get seriously hurt or injured. first she needs to take a pregnancy test. it doesn't matter if she's scared. if it turns out she is pregnant, she needs to get an abortion. she can go to a free clinic or one where the don't ask questions, so they won't know who she is. trust me, it's much safer.

  12. :( That's really sad. She needs to tell her parents. That is not a miscarriage that's self-inflected abortion.

  13. besides taking a lot of drugs (not a good idea)

    or cutting urself open (not a good idea)

    u cant

    DON'T let her try

    because those things can seriously f*ck u up bigtime

  14. no, honestly do not do that, she could make herself really ill, it is extremely dangerous to attempt that. there is no other option other then to take a pregnancy test. nothing else will do.  

  15. A miscarriage is natural, or should be.

  16. Okay if he didn't or pre near her v****a, then she can't be pregnant!!!..her period is probably just late...

    and if some did get inside her and she is pregnant then she needs to take a test scared or not she needs to know then she has to tell her parents..inducing a horrible painful miscarriage is not gonna help her and its very dangerous...if she doesn't want to keep the baby then she can have a safe abortion but making herself have a miscarriage is very stupid and unnecessary

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