
What causes a pain in your lower right side to continue for 2 months?

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I have had this pain on my lower right side and it started on June 6th and my doctor said it was some kind of cyst on my ovary. She told me to take tylenol or ibuprofen for the pain and said if it got worse to see her and to get an ultrasound done. What do you think? It even hurts to have a little fun with my husband. It hurts badly.




  1. Pain during s*x is a symptom of ovarian cyst/s; if your symptoms persist, it is likely that you will find complete cure by laparoscopic (minimally invasive) removal of the cyst.

    The next thing that is likely to happen however (if your symptoms continue), is a referral for an ultra-sound test, specific to ovarian cysts; this will help determine the size and exact location of the cyst/s, which will help later, if you do need surgery

    The only symptoms you have to really worry about, short-term, are a sudden increase in the pain you feel or if you start to feel nauseous; both signs of ovarian torsion, which requires emergency treatment A&E/ER).

    Ibuprofen (Advil etc.) is the main pain-management treatment prescribed for ovarian cysts, however, if your pain is severe, you should ask your doctor for a prescription-only narcotic pain medication.



    If you are feeling nauseous, you need to see your doctor VERY soon, to rule out ovarian torsion and appendicitis, although the later is less likely, due to the time that's passed since your diagnosis.

    Take care.

  2. It sounds to me as though it is either a cyst or you have endometriosis.  I had endo and I can appreciate the kind of pain you are talking about.  Tell your OB/GYN that you would like to have the ultrasound done because it can rule in or out if it is a cyst or endo.  Also, if it is endo, and you and your husband aren't wanting children for a while ask about getting the depo-provera shots.  I did those for a while and it did help and I didn't have a period.  Hope this helps a little.  Also, be more aggressive with your OB/GYN about pain management.  Ibuprofen or tylenol does not cut the pain.

  3. Your Doctor is probably right. About the only other thing causing pain in your lower right side would be you Appendix but an inflamed Appendix probably wouldn't continue for 2 months without needing something done. If your Dr. did an exam just follow her/his advice.

  4. Looks like, it is going to have to be taken out dear. But with the new way of operating, it is really no big deal. I had a tumor on an ovary and my Doctor recommended Laparoscopic surgery. He made two one inch incisions, and pulled the tumor out. I followed all his instructions, did not eat from noon the day before until after the surgery.  I entered the hospital in the morning. He operated and they even sent the tumor down to the lab, before he sewed up the small incisions. I went home that afternoon.

    They gave me five pain pills, but I did not even need more than two of them. If it is hurting, I would call your doctor, and tell him time for that ultrasound.  

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