
What causes a painful muscle spasm in the calve muscle?

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Once in a blue moon I wake up in the middle of the night with a really painful muscle spasm in one of my calves. It lasts for about 2 minutes. I heard that it could be because of a lack of calcium intake...which can't be true because I drink a glass of milk almost every day..Is there any way to stop them when I get them?




  1. This type of cramp is referred to as a "charlie horse " Sometimes this can just  happen for no reason, or sometimes this can be caused from a lack of some bananas

  2. Is it not just cramps in your calf muscle? Try eating more salt.

  3. ok soo if ur having really painful muscle spasms that means you might be experiancing charlie horses...yeaa ikk they hurt like h**l! =] try this...ok it is gonna taste a little gross but put salt on a banana and eat it...the nutrians in the banana and the salt will help stop it!...i hope this helps!

  4. another thing you can try is stretching your calves before you lay down  lean toward a wall and push your heels to the floor

    any phys-ed instructor can help you with this

    i know how you feel i get them from pushing the clutch on my 18 wheeler  not as much any more though since i stretch them now

    calcium is for your bones and joints i though

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