
What causes a twitch in your eye?

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One eye has had a twitch in it for 2 days now (and is driving me crazy!). Just wondering if anyone knows the cause?




  1. Stress can do that. Or a vitamin deficiency..usually potassium.Eat a banana. Try putting eye drops in as well, because sometimes if your eyes are dry it will do that.

  2. it means your tired

  3. your going to kill again

  4. it is only stress do not worry about it

  5. This has happened to me. Usually it occurs when your eyes get tired or overworked like if you are on the computer or reading or maybe on a long drive for extended periods of time. I would lie down with a cool cloth over your eyes and rest and it should go away shortly. It never lasts more than a few days.

  6. Get more rest and it will stop.

  7. They say it's usually stress and will go away on its own.

    It's not considered a problem but it is annoying.

    I get one a couple times a year and usually last one to two days.

    I find that eye drops sometimes reduces the frequency of the twitching.

    Its kinda weird because you can sense it happening but most people around you never see it.

  8. eyestrain.

    it could be because you are spending too much time watching tv, texting or just on the computer.

    give yourself a break

    like a whole day without electronics.

    go shopping perhaps? =]

    answer mine

  9. u need sleep ur tryed

  10. things in it

  11. Your probably going insane. You better be careful

  12. nerves , caused generally by stress , it will come and go , if it is persistant , and doesnt stop see a doctor

  13. lack of sleep get a good nights rest or take a good nap and it'll go away when you've caught up

  14. stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, or your cornea can be irritated

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