
What causes a yeast infection?

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and what are the symptoms





    check out this should answer most your questions and it is easy to read.

    They can be caused by many things including wetness, some  feminine products like douches and feminine sprays, scented toilet paper, and deodorant tampons (which can irritate the balance of yeast cells) and like others have mentioned antibiotics.


  2. You can get one by not wearing cotton panties or by wearing really tight pants. you can also get one by not peeing after s*x and also get a bladder infection that way too.

    Symptoms ae a thick mucus discharge and terrible itching... you will need an antibiotic. You can take the pill form, it works best...

  3. when you dont clean ur cooch the right way

  4. Go to Web Md but they say holding your pee for too long, stress, your vibrator, transmitted by your partner, taking certain medications etc.

    The symptoms are discharge (white) and possibly odor.

  5. some ppl need to learn how to use google, here, try this website

  6. Washing with too harsh things so your natural protection is removed or getting too hot and sweaty.

    Don't listen to Steve B, he's wrong in saying to wipe from back to front. You should wipe from Front to Back as sometimes germs from the back can get into the front to cause it.

    The symptoms he's talking about are cystitis and not even thrush.

    Thrush is itching.

    I had it after wearing underwear in bed when it was really hot. I just had itching but I didn't have a discharge, although they say you can have a discharge like cottage cheese.

    You don't need antibiotics as J98 said, as antibiotics are for bacteria and thrush is fungal, so you need a special cream or pessary or you can even get a tablet for it now, from the chemist.

    Sometimes taking antibiotics for something else can cause it, as the antibiotics get rid of the good bacteria.

    You can even use plain live yogurt to clear it, where you put a tampon in it, then then insert the tampon in the normal way so the good bacteria in the live yogurt will help.

  7. wearing really tight undies or pants, not cleaning yourself well, or leaving some type of cream or soap in in too long. You also can get it from doing with your partner who also may have a yeast infection. Yeah boys do get yeast infections too!

  8. first of all- quit being will do the trick.

    And no it has nothnig to do with cleaning. If anything it means you are cleaning too much. What happens is that when the count of regular bacteria is lower than usual then the fungi (which are always present) have room to grow more than they should. This causes a yeast infection. So don't overdo the cleaning. There is meds for it in any drug store.

  9. a yeast infection is caused when you don't always change you tampons or pads. the symtoms are redness (sometimes), itching, and odor.

  10. There are a lot of things that cause yeast infections. Just to name a few: antibotics, birth control pills, perfumes, scented soap or scented pantiliners.

    Some symptoms are cottage cheese, itchy v****a, red v***a lips, odor.

    Here you can read up on it at this website: below

  11. A lot of bread.

  12. itching and redness. caused by NOT WIPING!  

  13. a number of things could cause it...after peeing not cleaning yourself properly....always wipe back to front, never towards the feel as though you have to pee, you do, but very little and you have a burning sensation as you pee....always pee after having s*x.....drink plenty of water..or a juice with anti-oxidants...

  14. a yeast infection can be caused by numerous things and it just isn't because you aren't clean.

    here are some of the things that can cause an infection:


    taking too many baths ---soaking to long in the tub

    wearing your wet swim suit for to long.


  15. you may get a yeast infection if you have tons of bacteria in your vaginal system so good hygiene is a part of preventing it.

    the symptoms of a yeast infection are having 'unusual' discharge or discharge that just doesn't look normal to you or if you have an annoying itch appears to be up inside your vaj all the time.

  16. people get yeast infections by using products with glycerin in them. you can find glycerin in flavored condoms, lubes, and lotions.

  17. pretty sure its caused by dampness on the skin for a long amount of time     swelling, fungus  are some of the symptoms

  18. Our bodies produce yeast, its kinda like one of those good bacterias that we need. Sometimes, the bacteria is produced too much, and that is what causes a yeast infection. The symptoms are that you may itchy "down there", or you might notice a slight discharge thats not normal. Mainly, over the counter meds will clear it up. Something that can commonly cause a yeast infection is for example, wearing wet clothes for long periods of time (like at the beach, waterpark, etc.) Another way you can get one is if you don't wear cotton based panties. Sometimes other types of panties don't "breathe".  

  19. It's not caused from not cleaning up well or even wearing tight clothes all the time either but it can be something that you need to change in your diet now for me I can catch a yeast infection from taking antibiotics over a period of time the antibiotics take away the good bacteria and my doctor suggested yogurt.

  20. Antibiotics can cause a yeast infection. The symptoms are itching and redness and a discharge. Just really uncomfortable

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