
What causes an attractive woman to be afraid of s*x and relationships?

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She's not a 10 but she's attractive enough in that she can have any man she wants. She's VERY sexual but also very aloof. We're just friends but she's certainly very sexually open with me although I feel that she's emotionally vague a lot of the time (its almost like she's scared to get to know me - thats the best way to explain it). She says that she's a virgin and that she hasn't been with anyone - my first thoughts - she's trying to play the innocent - she insists though. After everything she's told me I find it hard to believe that she's a virgin. I asked her why she hasn't had a proper bf before and she says she doesn't like "getting too close to people." What does that even mean? I'm 32 and she's 22 btw.




  1. what 'shhh' said is true.but,love cant be judge by age..

    trust me,try to make her feel great with you.example,by having her a dinner or make her always feel good and happy.try to be amuse. dont shy to ask something for example,'do you like me' am 'i good for you' or anything else.

    sometimes,girls are hard to judge.they are know what i mean?

    but if she tell you that she dont want you to be with her, just go away and find another girl. there are millions of girls.

    about the virgin.try to have s*x with her.or find the book about virginity.look about the girls that have virginity or not.(the styles)

  2. Knock that out and stop worrying about the background info and the specifics--the destination remains the same regardless.

  3. She has hang-ups of one sort or another.  Maybe she was molested by a trusted family member; maybe she was raped, there are so many "maybes".  Who knows what happened to her but putting pressure on her will only make her back away even more.

    I think that when she told you she was a virgin she was trying to send you a message that you should stay away.

    So respect her wishes.  She'll tell you if and when she wants you to know about this aspect of her life.

    And you know what else?  You are too old for her.  

    She has a lot of growing up yet to do.  Maybe that's another  reason she's not falling for your advances.

  4. Sorry to be so blunt, but she sounds very much like an immature drama queen, looking for attention.  These kinds of women create issues and dramas in their lives in order for men to 'work hard' to get them or 'prove' how much they desire her.  

    Think on all the chick flick movies...usually, the main female character is damaged or flawed...and the hard work of prince charming saves her.  So women today seem to be enamoured with that scenario, and create issues so that their prince charming will come and save them...

  5. she is playing games, she is young.

  6. People can be very sexually knowledgeable and still be virgins.  She's probably had an emotional trauma involving a man or men in her past. Perhaps molestation.  If you love her be patient, if not then gently break it off with her.

  7. It means that she doesn't trust people easily. It doesn't matter how attractive she is.

  8. Why do you assume she's "playing the innocent" and refuse to believe she is what she says she is?  Sounds like you don't respect her, or women in general.  

    You sure you don't want to knock her off purely BECAUSE she's hard to get??  

    As "Shhhh" said, respect her wishes and leave her alone.  You're far too old for her anyway.

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