
What causes an upper control arm to creak?

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I had a clunk in my suspension. When I'm under the car and my friend shakes the car, it sounds more like a big creak. It sounds/feels like it's coming from one of the pivot bolts in the upper control arm. I tightened the bolts and that kept it from creaking for a few miles. It's slowly coming back. If the pivot bolt is tight, what else could it be? The bushing looks fine. Do you think it just needs some White Lithium on the joint?




  1. Bushings have dried out but we use brake fluid to lubricate dried bushings it softens the top layer and lasts much longer than any spray lubricant but be careful about getting it on paint as to much can cause discoloration and lifting if not cleaned off.

  2. bushings could be dry?

  3. The bushings have dried out. Very common on Ford vehicles. Spraying with silicone lubricant will help temporarily. Replacement is the ultimate cure.

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