
What causes animal extinction?

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What causes animal extinction?




  1. the passenger pideon numbers in the tens of millions and in 50 years was exstinct due solely to human consumption..

    we definately play a large role

  2. While environment, disease and climate change have an influence, take a look in the real world and PEOPLE come up by and large as the biggest killers of things over the centuries.

  3. The species that preys on a particular animal may have a population boom.

    Or the animal may lose it's food supply or become exposed to disease.

    Human intervention can cause famine, disease or a change in climate that makes it so the animal can't survive...

    There are a whole lot of different factors.

  4. Many things may cause animal extinction..

    Here are a few:

    1 Disease

    2 Famine

    3 Natural disaster

    4 Poaching

    5 Inability to adapt to changing worldly conditions

    6 Etc.

  5. Hunting

    Climate Change

    Cutting off food resources



    People just hurting them for no reason

  6. Habitat loss / Development - urbanization, agriculture, & mining


    Unregulated or illegal killing / overexploitation

    Introduced Species / Exotic Species

    Competition from other species

    Disease / Parasites


    Limited distribution


  7. We do - Mankind....

  8. heaps of stuff loss of habitat loss of food inablitiy to mate, anything that'll kill and entire species

  9. Extinction is a natural part of evolution.

    There is always a domino effect that basically comes down to an inability to adapt.

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