
What causes early ovulation?

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I've been doing what I call "project healthy". I quit smoking a month ago and quit caffeine 2 months ago. I also added exercise so that I wouldn't gain weight from quiting smoking. My husband and I have been TTC and I've been charting for 2 yrs. I seemed to have ovulated 6 days early this cycle on cd9 instead of cd15. I've never had this happen before. Could it be from getting healthier? What can cause early ovulation?

Oh, and I also have been taking prenatals the last 2 months.




  1. Ovulating on CD9 is a bit early and some of the most common causes of early ovulation are:  decreased ovarian reserve, hyperthyroidism, and pituitary problems.  But I really think any of these are unlikely considering that you have been previously having normal cycles. Is there any way you could post the link to your chart so we can have a look?  

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