
What causes esophaguel cancer?

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What causes esophaguel cancer?

what causes esophaguel cancercould u get it at 18 ifu dont smokehow couldu tellif u have it ido have diffuclty swallowing sometimes i worry alot




  1. I doubt you have esophageal cancer, but difficulty swallowing is a symptom of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD.  Other symptoms are heartburn, inflammation of the esophagus lining, cough, heartburn, reflux, & nausea. A person might have only one, or several of the symptoms. Complications of GERD are esophagus spasms, ulcers or cancer. If this worries you a great deal you probably should see your doctor.  He can prescribe medication for the difficulity you have swallowing and reassure you that it's not cancer.  Good luck.

  2. As with most cancers, the actual causes of esophageal cancer are unknown. There are, however, some known risk factors in its development. Some of these include:

        * age - this type of cancer is usually found in people over the age of 55

        * alcohol abuse

        * chewing tobacco

        * diets consisting of highly irritating foods, or poor nutrition (not enough fresh fruit and vegetables)

        * drinking very hot liquids

        * exposure to toxins such as solvents

        * human papillomavirus - HPV, the virus that can cause vaginal warts, can also develop into certain cancers

        * obesity

        * smoking

        * ingestion of lye (e.g., accidentally swallowing lye as a child)

    Some cancerous tumours in the esophagus have spread there from elsewhere in the body. Cancers of the larynx, pharynx, tonsils, lungs, breast, liver, kidney, prostate, testicles, bone, and skin can all spread to the esophagus.

    People with certain medical conditions can have an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer. These conditions include:

        * achalasia - people with achalasia have difficulty emptying the esophagus because the muscles are unable to push the food effectively from the mouth to the stomach

        * GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) - people who have had GERD (a condition where stomach acid splashes up into the esophagus) for a long time are at a higher risk of esophageal cancer

        * Plummer-Vinson syndrome and Barrett's esophagus - people with these disorders have abnormal cells in the esophagus that can become cancerous

        * tylosis - people with this skin disorder tend to have a higher incidence of esophageal cancer

    One of the most obvious problems associated with this type of cancer is difficulty swallowing. As the tumour gets larger, swallowing firm food becomes impossible and eventually only fluids can get by. After surgery where part of the esophagus is removed, swallowing may be hard for a time but should improve as healing progresses.

    A second problem that arises is weight loss due to the problems associated with swallowing. Consulting a dietitian is an important step in treatment of esophageal cancer in order to maintain as good a nutritional status as possible. Poor nutrition can slow the healing process.

  3. Most common cause though it is rare is Barrett's esophagus an erosion of the esophagus from GERD.

    You ought to go to a gastroenterologist & get an endoscopy to put your question to rest & stop worrying.

    Good luck

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