
What causes fog to form?

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What causes fog to form?




  1. water vapor in the air or dew point.

  2. evaporation of water dry environment

  3. There are actually multiple ways that fog forms, but all involve cooling the air at the surface to it's dewpoint, resulting in saturation, or 100% relative humidity.  Once that happens, condensation of the water vapor in that cooled air produces the tiny water droplets that compose clouds (save cirroform, which are composed of tiny ice crystals).  Fog is simply a cloud that is in contact with the ground.  The air can be cooled by radiation of it's heat, like typically occurs on clear nights.  It can also be cooled by blowing it up a mountainside, or by moving the air over a cold surface, such as snow cover.

  4. When warm damp air on the ground meets cool air from above, they condense to make fog.

  5. Fog is nothing but cloud on ground.Fog is composed of mimnute droplets suspended in the atmosphere near the ground.These droplets scatter the light and the visibility is reduced.If the visibility,is less than 1000 meteres,fog is said to prevail.Fog is formed(1) when the temperature is reduced below the dew point or (2)when moisture is added to air until condensation takes place.

    To be more specific, the following conditions may accelerate the process of fog formation.

    (1) presence of sufficient moisture in the air(2) clear skies,(3) light wind and(4) ground inversion.

  6. different weather patterns can cause fog to form

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