
What causes global warming and also what can stop the problem?

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What causes global warming and also what can stop the problem?




  1. What causes:  Liars/politicians, and or money making scammers

    How to stop "global warming":  don't buy into it.  The biggest money making hoax yet.

  2. the gasse that are relesed into the atmosphere  cause global warming.  A way to help is carpooling so only one car releases gasse.

  3. everything causes it.

    if we want to stop we need to car pool, reduce the energy we use, etc...

  4. I'm not so sure that global warming is a "problem."

    What is the right temperature?

    Over the 4 billion years this planet has existed, temperature has never been constant. It's gone from warm to cold in a continuing cycle, way before humans ever came on the scene.

    Knowing that, why is it that politicians, and alarmists, like Al Gore, want you and I to believe that global warming is a phenomenon caused by only by humans?  And that it carries dooms day consequences if you and I don't make drastic, expensive changes to our lives?

    Two reasons.

    #1 Money. pure and simple greed.

    #2 Gore wants a legacy to be remembered for instead of being remembered as that guy who was almost president. He doesn't even have a scientific background.

    I'm all for finding new, cleaner, renewable fuels, but don't make it sound like I'm gonna die because I don't drive a hybrid.

  5. Blowhard liberals.

  6. "Global Warming" as an Armageddon event is a myth. There is a phenomenon where every ten years or so the earth warms up for a little while and then it goes away, but that isn't going to destroy the earth, and further, we did nothing to cause it, and can do nothing to stop it.

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