
What causes home-grown tomatoes to remain small?

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I am growing tomatoes for the first time. Thanks to help from the internet and Yahoo Answers, my tomatoes are delicious and very sweet. Some are medium in seize but the majority are rather small. I am growing the tomatoes in 12 inch pots on my porch and get 4-5 hours of afternoon sun. What can I do to ensure larger tomatoes the next time around? I am having so much fun and definitely are planning to do this again, and better. Thanks for all your help.




  1. Not enough water.

    Here is ne how to site:

    If you type in "how to grow tomatoes" in your search engine, you will get about 5 million hits.

  2. maybe the variety you have are small ones,next time you plant get big boy variety, i have lots of luck with them,and don't forget to plant early as possible,hope that helps.

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