
What causes low frame rates on a ps2?

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I have been noticing a lot of my PS2 games are playing at low frame rates.

I haven't noticed the low rates until now. I left my PS2 in my car for 2 days, in 100 degree heat, so I have been trying to figure out if I messed the system up. I have been paying attention to see if my system has been acting funny, and I have noticed these low frame rates.

Now, this is happening on games that are KNOWN for having GOOD framerates, such as Resident Evil 4, Bully, and Dead to Rights 2. I notice slowdown in ALL of these games.

What i'm really trying to ask is, are my low frame rates due to:

a. My system being left in the heat for 2 days

b. My cheap component cable (I have a $5 cable, i got off of ebay)

c. Or is it just the games, and the low frame rates are the developers fault.

Also, does anyone else experience slowdown in any of the above mentioned games?




  1. Try another cable. You get what you pay for in cables, i've learned this from experience.

  2. BULLY is actually notorious for a bad frame rate. AND the PS2 is not the most powerful system ever, either, so bad frame rate is usually unavoidable. There is nothing wrong with your system, or your games, the problem lies with the older hardware.

  3. My guess would be:

    a. My system being left in the heat for 2 days

    b. My cheap component cable (I have a $5 cable, i got off of ebay)

    Try leaving your PS2 off for a few days and maybe take it out of the hot environment(if thats possible.)

    If you can, use the composite cable that came with the system. Your quality will probably be poorer than with the component cable, but if its a system problem your quality is likely to be poor even for composite cable as well.  

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