
What causes lower back pain during your period?

by  |  earlier

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Does it stem from hormones, circulation or something else?





  1. I am not exactly sure although I would assume that it is because of where your uterus is.  I have endometriosis and have horrible lower back pain.

  2. your vag is just going through a tough time

  3. Backaches - Lower Back Pain - Treatments

    Backaches - lower back pain are explored from diagnosis to treatments and prevention.  

  4. Your uterus becomes engorged during your flow and contracts to expel the contents. This can cause the cramping and ache you feel in your back. A heating pad works well to help relieve these symptoms, or if needed ibuprofen has been shown to be very effective when taken on a regular dosing schedule starting the day before  you are due to start your period. Somehow the ibuprofen blocks the prostaglandins which are the major cause of period discomfort. You would take your dose( some take 2-200mg some just need 1) and repeat every 6 hours for the duration of your flow, trying to start the day before if possible, if not the day you start is ok. Check with your Dr. before starting any medicine and if you want more information or find your symptoms aren't tolerable or improving. Good luck.

  5. It's just cramps, people get them in their back, their front or both.

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