
What causes more long term negative health effects - Coca-Cola/Pepsi or Coffee?

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What causes more long term negative health effects - Coca-Cola/Pepsi or Coffee?




  1. pepsi and coke will ruin your kidneys and can cause kidney stones but coffee will help your kidneys and prevent kidney stones. drink dr. pepper!

  2. Coffee has actually been shown to have good long-term effects as long as you don't drink too much.  Most studies show that if you drink less than 2-4 cups a day, it will have beneficial results.

    Coke will rot your teeth and make you consume lots of calories that have absolutely no nutritional value, leading to weight gain and the associated health problems.

  3. I would think the cola. in addition to caffiene its full of chemicals and preservatives and tons of processed sugar.  coffee has caffiene but tons of antioxidants which are supposed to be good for you.

  4. People use coke to clean their toilets. i myself don't touch that. do drink Pepsi, lets see you could end up overweight with no teeth and diabetic

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