
What causes my 1998 bmw z3 to cut out when it should be idling? An engine diagnostic was inconclusive...

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A mechanic suggested a diagnostic as he suspecd a problem with the air flow meter. This turned out not to be the problem. An auto electrician suggested it might be caused by fault with the immobiliser. Does thismake sense to anone? Any suggestions appreciated.




  1. assuming this guy checked for intake air leaks, Z3's (with inline 6) have issues with the intake boots breaking apart after a while, a large unmetered air leak will cause your car to stall or run rough. also assuming he did a diagnostic check on the vehicle and there were no codes? another common issue is our cam sensors failing, but they will usually store a code.. if all else checks ok, yes we ocasionally have to replace an idle valve.. if the car cranks and starts there is no problem with the EWS (immobilizer)..

  2. If it just will not idle it is probably the idle control valve. It is not the immobilizer if the car will start.

  3. If it was the imobilizer the car wouldn't turn over at all... i just had this happen the other day....If you crank it up and you are able to keep it runnign but holding down the gas then it's most likely the idle valve. I had to bang on it the other day to get it unstuck. It's right next to the throttle body if that helps at all. Bang on it and have someone start the car and hold the gas.  

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