
What causes my 2 year old to pee so much?

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i heard that it can be a sign of diabetes.

He always has to have something to drink i mean like constantly.

I go through more diapers with him than i do with my newborn i even have to wake him at night to to change his diaper.

HELP! need answers!!




  1. My daughter is the same way.  You said your child has to have something to drink all the time?  My daughter always comes after me with her sippy cup wanting something to drink and she goes through so many diapers... I mean she fills that diaper up.  I cut back on her fluid intake and I didn't have to change her diaper every 15 min.  First, make sure your child doesn't have a medical problem that explains the over active bladder.  If everything is fine, cut back on the drinks

  2. Some kids just pee more than others. If he is drinking a lot then obviously he will pee alot.

    I work with 2 year olds and I've seen a few kids that pee more than I do, but they were healthy. If there are other issues than I would go to a doctor, but if thats it I'd say that that is just how he is.

    The only thing I've heard about diabetes that is related to this is that some children with it cant control their pee (accidents)

    Maybe try giving him less liquids?

  3. I would take in a clean sample of your child's urine and see if they can test it with proteins or something to see if it comes back positive for diabetes or something.  

    Good LUCK

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