
What causes pain in legs while running?

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What causes pain in legs while running?




  1. Anytime your muslces exert themselves they start to use the sugars in there cells for energy via a system called aerobic, this means the utilize oxygen as well.  Once the available oxygen is used up the cells are still demanding energy and so the start to developed energy via anaerobic, or lack of oxygen, system.  This system has a byproduct called lactic acid.  When the lactic acid builds up in the muscles-that is what causes the pain and cramping in your legs.  As you become consistently active, your muscles develop a better system of getting oxygen to the muscles and it may take longer or harder exercise to get the same lactic acid buildup.  However, eventually everyone that exercises for prolonged times will develop lactic acid and that is why your muscles are sore after running or any type of exercise.

  2. lactid acid

  3. build up of lactic acid

  4. it could either be shin splints, or that your muscles just aren't used to running that amount. your muscles could just be sore too.

  5. It could be your muscles are spazzing and thats why it hurts. Make sure to stretch and stuff before you go walking or running. If you havent ran in awhile start running then walk then running and walking. Work your way up to only running. Also make sure to eat bananas, that will help you potasium and keep your legs from cramping at night. :)

  6. Not stretching well enough can cause pain in legs while running.

  7. Depends on what kind of pain it is.

    If it is in the calves it could be cramps.

    In the thighs it could be a muscle pull.

    If its in one of the joints it could be a ruptured ligament.

    In the shins it could be shin splints also called shingles.

    These are very few cause there are hundreds more. Suggest you consult a doctor.

  8. Are you talking about shin splints?

    A little more info would be handy.

    Maybe check this site out.

  9. As your legs run, the muscles create lactic acid as a biproduct. There's a lot of science behind but basically this chemical is what causes the burning sensation you feel in your legs.

    To decrease the onset of lactic acid buildup, try warming up and stretching first. Also, the better in shape you are and the more you've trained, the slower the lactic acid will buildup in your muscles. Your muscles will also be able to clear it more efficiently.

  10. Your legs aren't used to doing so much exercise so your muscles stretch.. and it hurts : (

  11. well depending on wat distance ur running if ur spriting it could be a strane

    but the most cause of leg pain when running is when u get lactic acid im a 400m runner so i get it after every race n long run at traninning

    the best way to stop it is to go for a short slow jog after ur run not a fast jog or u will cramp and a good strech and eat lollies or drink a drink like powerrade it helps me  

    hope this helps

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