
What causes people to get sleepy after eating a few slices of pizza?

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I know it happens to me everytime I eat pizza at work. I'm guessing b/c I'm sitting after I eat the pizza. But I get so sleepy !!! Maybe it's because of all the grease. Ugh. No pizza for me today!




  1. Its partically due to the carbs,it also has to do with your activity level.

    If you ate a smaller portion,you might notice a increse in energy from the carbs,if your eating a big meal and sitting at a desk,your going to become sleepy...Do you find yourslef sleepy at mid day no matter what you eat or is it only after eating certain foods?

  2. I think it has something to do with cells rushing from your brain to your stomach in order to aid in digestion.That's why many people get a "sleepy" or "lazy" feeling after eating. Don't hold me to that though lol.

  3. it is all those additives.

  4. The carbohydrates in it. you are over loading your system with carbs and it wants to sleep.

  5. Hello,

    The reason you get sleepy is from the carbohydrates in the pizza. Carbohydrates have that effect on many people. Try eating a tossed salad with it first and eat only one slice. Also, try to drink water or maybe another low carb drink. Some people are very sensitive to carbohydrates. I hope this helps you out!

    Genesee from

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