
What causes people to have panic attacks?

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Is this something that can be overcome?

Is there an underlying cause that is more serious?




  1. A panic attack is a sudden, unnecessary surge of adrenaline, a natural chemical in your body.  

    When you are in danger, like if you are physically attacked by someone, you have a sudden, necessary surge of adrenaline.  The adrenalin causes your heart to beat quickly, and you will get sweaty, your thoughts will race, you might get dizzy, your breathing will get fast and shallow, your stomach might hurt, you will feel the impulse to run away. That is natural.  It is the body's way of giving us quick energy and fast thinking to get us out of that dangerous situation fast.  

    When this surge of adrenaline happens without anything dangerous going on (just sitting at home or hanging at the mall), you can get really confused.  Why is my heart beating? Why am I sweating?  So, your thoughts, which are already racing from the adrenaline rush, look for a reason for these strange and very uncomfortable feelings.  

    If you just ignore these feelings, they will go away within less than 20 minutes.  If you start to worry about these feelings being something dangerous, like a heart attack, you will bring on what is called a "panic attack" or "anxiety attack."  In this case, your worrying makes more adrenaline pump into your body, and the feelings can continue for quite a long time.

    Most people have had a panic attack or two in their lives, but just didn't worry about them and don't have problems with more attacks.  Other people, especially if they come from a family who have panic attacks, tend to worry about having more attacks once they have had one.  The more you worry about having them, the more you have.  The worrying itself begins to bring on the attacks.

    Yes, panic attacks can be cured.  Many people are helped, but not cured, by taking medications to help them relax.  The best treatment for panic attacks is a 15-week class in "Cognitive Therapy" with a Masters level mental health counselor specializing in panic.  In this therapy, you learn what causes a panic attack (adrenaline), what are your personal triggers (things that set off your panic attacks), techniques you can use at the start or during an attack (breathing exercises, distraction, etc), and how to lower the amount and intensity of your attacks (de-sensitization).  This therapy has a better than 85% cure rate.

    No, panic attacks cannot hurt you. They sure feel like you are dying, going to faint, or having a heart attack.  And, it is a good idea to be checked out by a medical doctor to make sure there is no physical reason why you do not feel well.  But, a true panic attack is really just an unwanted adrenaline rush.

  2. Fear and subconscious, repressed feelings. Same feelings that bring on the pannic attack. It could be anything... fellings of failure, deep dissapointment, anxiety, fear of being punished. Anything.

    If you are having a pannic attack, you would really need to relax. Try to think why you are having an attack. Did it happen before? What triggered it? How can you eliminate the fear (or whatever emotion)?

  3. Basically panic attacks are caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes the level of serotonin to be out of balance.  What causes this to happen can be several things, though most researchers believe there is a definite genetic component involved.  Attacks are usually triggered by an event, sometimes trauma, but at times it can be something so obscure that you feel they have come out of the blue.

    Panic itself is normal and is our survival response to danger, often referred to as the fight or flight reaction.  The difference is for people who have panic disorder, there is no apparent danger, but our bodies respond as if there were.  We become even more confused when we do not see a danger and begin to assign danger to places or events that are in no way related.

    Panic cannot be cured, once you have had panic disorder or anxiety or depression, you will probably always carry a possibility of a recurrence.  The symptoms can be managed by medication and you can learn to change your response to the panic itself through therapy or, in some cases, self help so that you do not have to continue indefinitely on medication, though some people do.

    The best book to learn about and manage panic disorder is The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Dr. Edmund Bourne.

  4. Usually the fear of dying.

    To help treat it, go outdoors a lot. This will keep you occupied, and provide fresh air. Also do breathing exercises.

  5. Usually panic attacks are caused by stress. Once the stress is gone, usually the panic attack is gone.

  6. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  7. Usually panic attacks accrue when your a worry-wort (as my mother describes it!) Pace your self. These attacks take place when your worried, stressed, or too though on your self! These attacks take a BIG toll on your body and mind, not to mention your spirit. When you feel an attack coming on, you want to drink water and tell your self something positive. Studies show that when a attack takes place think about your loved ones. This method help by resolving the attack with opposite feeling.  

  8. Well i suffer fro general anxiety disorder i currently take pills cause its something really hard to control but not for everyone. Some people can control it easily but others cant. It can be overcome. Its usually people who over think things a lot and worry lots, that's what my doctor told me its a horrible feeling but u learn how to control it. Also people who stress alot, there sooooo many people who suffer from it its nothing rare

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